Somatic Therapist Luis Mojica on healing energetic patterns of trauma [episode 17]

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Video coming soon!


Luis Mojica is a musician, Witch, and Holistic Therapist trained in nutrition, herbalism, psychology, and Somatic Experiencing. He draws upon his own experiences with trauma, and his many modalities within his business Holistic Life Navigation, to help others heal from trauma and connect to their truth. Luis is currently offering online group sessions and workshops. Sign up to his waiting list to work one on one!

In this episode, Luis speaks to being born with both male and female expressions, and his experience of growing up intersex. We chat about his spontaneous transformation at the age of 16, and how he answered the call to create and then share his music - and his success in doing so. Luis also leads us through a practice of noticing and unpacking the differences between the threat response and intuition, and how this is experienced within the body.




  • Memories, stories, and patterns held by your body

  • Healing from the energetic patterns of trauma 

  • Tending to the energetic expressions of your body

  • Luis’ experience of growing up as intersex, with both male and female expressions 

  • Luis’ spontaneous transformation at the age of 16 

  • Self-healing through introspection, and music as a healing tool 

  • How our intuitive wisdom is waiting for a chance to be expressed 

  • Sensation as the language of the body 

  • How the body is wise, the body is the Earth

  • Identifying as a person of the Earth

  • Experiencing direct connections with plants, elements, and other beings 

  • Creative projects as having their own life force, and desire to be shared 

  • Luis’ immediate success in music, and the story of how he began touring with the band Rasputina

  • How every sensation in the body begins with a conscious thought 

  • Luis guides us on an inquiry of noticing the difference between a fear response and intuition 

  • Why you don’t need a trauma story, to be traumatized 

  • The nervous system as a highway

  • How trauma held within your body is preventing you from witnessing your intuition 

  • The most radical thing we can do for ourselves is to find safety in our own bodies 

  • Why a regular practice of ground and clearing - can help you find safety in your body when you need it most 

  • Orienting to your now, instead of orienting to your fear and trauma 

  • Creating sustainable confidence in yourself 

  • And so much more!

Bonus Secret Episode! Also, find a guided journey led by Natalie to connect deeply with the spirit of the amanita muscaria mushroom at


Share what is your biggest challenge or struggle around finding and expressing your voice //
