How to Regain Trust In Your Intuition with Natalie Ross [episode 16]

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Earth Speak founder Natalie Ross was interviewed by Stephanie Briggs for a series called Your Earth Journey about her journey to live guided by her intuition.




  • Her lifelong affinity for plants

  • Healing from the effects of having young parents with their own baggage

  • How her outer reality as a child turned her attention to inwards

  • Dropping out of college 3 times & struggling through her entire twenties

  • How mushrooms inspired her to finally find her path after years of feeling lost and uncertain

  • My core meditation as a way to rehabilitate toxic ecosystems and soils

  • Getting a master’s degree in soil science and still feeling like there’s something more

  • How her first podcast, Dream Freedom Beauty, was born one hot summer’s day

  • Hiding in the “broom closet” and not telling the people around her about her true interests

  • How society has a sickness of the spirit

  • The energetic language of intuition that doesn’t speak in words and how to hear it

  • How your body is an energetic antennae

  • Intuition as a GPS that course corrects when you miss a turn

  • Speaking with plants and the nature of intuition

  • How to develop a relationship with your intuitive senses and come to trust them

  • Whether it's safe to trust your intuition and why trusting is hard for many of us

  • What to do if the people in your life don't “get it”

  • Why your intuitive guidance matters

  • How intuition is a pathway out of the dominant patriarchal society

Bonus Secret Episode! Also find a guided journey led by Natalie to connect deeply with the spirit of the amanita muscaria mushroom at


Share what is your biggest challenge or struggle around finding and expressing your voice //
