Injustice, Inequality & the Lot We're Given in Life | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 8]

Hello Conscious Creators,How many of you are feeling sadness, overwhelm, grief, guilt, fear, pain or any other confusing emotion in response to the violence and senseless acts of fear that are occurring in our world? Here in the states many people have been feeling hopeless about how to face systematic oppression of anyone based on race, gender, sexuality, class, etc. And for many of us here, these feelings extend to confusion and overwhelm about how our earth is being treated, how humans take take and take without reciprocity.Today’s practice is to join the discussion here, even with a small sentiment or thought, and get things moving around how we can use our manifesting skills to create true peace, true equality, true brotherhood and sisterhood amongst all people and with the earth.

We are the ones weaving the new webs of peace. Of community. Of love and creativity and beauty. Start here, start now, TODAY, by joining in the discussion. 

I also want to invite you to express how you are feeling about these situations. Expressing your emotions is so healthy. You need not get lost in them or act on the anger and rage in the moment. But releasing your tumultuous feelings in whatever ways you can without hurting others is so important for being clear. Once you express the fear, guilt, anger, and pain, you open the doors to being able to think, act and feel from a place of higher perspective.Give yourself a private time and space to ask yourself how you’re really feeling, and then honor what comes through. You might ugly cry. You might laugh and dance. You might want to scream into a pillow or punch a pillow. Let it out. Let it out. Let it out. And then rest.So… back to the discussion. In the comments here or in the Facebook group posting, express how you’re feeling about this, what your vision is for what you WANT to see in the world, and what actions can we take as individuals and in community with those around us to really, truly BE THE CHANGE?Xoxoxoimage from PinterestConversation from Facebook group - for those of you who are not on FB. If you want to respond in the comments section here, I will gladly copy it over to the FB group and back. This is important stuff!

Natalie Ross Just saw this moving video of opposing protests joining forces in Dallas
Grace Amber
Grace Amber I have a lot to say on this but need a moment to ruminate- mostly I want to express gratitude that you have started this discussion. One part of my manifestation story involves making the spaces i inhabit/create overlap more with the poc (people of color) community. I think it's really important to support people who are disadvantaged by the structure through personal relationships. it is easier to learn the type of support needed from a place of friendship. I think larger changes happen from many individuals deconstructing their own bias/ fears that keep us culturally segregated (across race lines, across class lines.) I want this connection between different people to happen through art and music and shared accountability towards protecting all members of our community. I want our police force to disintegrate and become a ____ force. Fill in the blank? I want black Americans to feel like they can move and express themselves freely, that when they voice their concern they will be accommodated. I want all bosses to support their employees in vocalizing the ways they notice inequality within their workplaces, I want all employees to feel that observing inequality is a vital part of their labor and will only increase their job security. I want all of our 30 day manifestations to lead to an abundance within our lives in which we will be able to funnel into the lives of those who have been drained by parisitic capitalism. I want a nation of empowered people who realize the police state is a result of our collective complacency, our collective limiting belief that we need an armed army to negotiate sharing our land. I want private property to be a relic of the past. I want resources to be distributed so we are all closer to the tools we need to survive and express.
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Grace Amber
Grace Amber Haha I guess I said more than I thought I would...still ruminating though ☺️
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Grace Amber
Grace Amber Also want to mention that I tried really hard in my comment to focus on the reality I desire, and that is new for me. Learning the sick state of the world (over and over again) often leads me to feeling powerless, guilty, and angry at those who seem to be selfishly oblivious/ too happy/ out of touch with those who are suffering (because I so badly don't want to become that person.) I am working through this and learning that taking on and holding onto others suffering is only a step towards healing; it needs to be released.⛅️☁️☔️☀️?
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Natalie Ross
Natalie Ross Wow Grace Amber you have a VISION! And I'm so grateful to get to be part of your learning experience for expressing it in positive terms of what you DO want.Yes yes and yes to what you said. And I especially feel this line:"I think larger changes happen from many individuals deconstructing their own bias/ fears that keep us culturally segregated (across race lines, across class lines.) I want this connection between different people to happen through art and music and shared accountability towards protecting all members of our community."
Natalie Ross
Natalie Ross What a beautiful vision for how we can be connected. Through art. Through music. Through friendship. And it starts with each of us. Each individual taking a different approach in our lives. Taking the time to educate ourselves about how we're reflecting the systemic racism and oppression in our own lives and learning how to change that in ourselves.
Natalie Ross
Natalie Ross And then reaching out from that place of peace, of opening, of different vision and love and listening. Asking. Listening. Connecting.
Natalie Ross
Natalie Ross You got me all fired up!