Injustice, Inequality & the Lot We're Given in Life | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 8]
Hello Conscious Creators,How many of you are feeling sadness, overwhelm, grief, guilt, fear, pain or any other confusing emotion in response to the violence and senseless acts of fear that are occurring in our world? Here in the states many people have been feeling hopeless about how to face systematic oppression of anyone based on race, gender, sexuality, class, etc. And for many of us here, these feelings extend to confusion and overwhelm about how our earth is being treated, how humans take take and take without reciprocity.Today’s practice is to join the discussion here, even with a small sentiment or thought, and get things moving around how we can use our manifesting skills to create true peace, true equality, true brotherhood and sisterhood amongst all people and with the earth.
We are the ones weaving the new webs of peace. Of community. Of love and creativity and beauty. Start here, start now, TODAY, by joining in the discussion.
I also want to invite you to express how you are feeling about these situations. Expressing your emotions is so healthy. You need not get lost in them or act on the anger and rage in the moment. But releasing your tumultuous feelings in whatever ways you can without hurting others is so important for being clear. Once you express the fear, guilt, anger, and pain, you open the doors to being able to think, act and feel from a place of higher perspective.Give yourself a private time and space to ask yourself how you’re really feeling, and then honor what comes through. You might ugly cry. You might laugh and dance. You might want to scream into a pillow or punch a pillow. Let it out. Let it out. Let it out. And then rest.So… back to the discussion. In the comments here or in the Facebook group posting, express how you’re feeling about this, what your vision is for what you WANT to see in the world, and what actions can we take as individuals and in community with those around us to really, truly BE THE CHANGE?Xoxoxoimage from PinterestConversation from Facebook group - for those of you who are not on FB. If you want to respond in the comments section here, I will gladly copy it over to the FB group and back. This is important stuff!