How to shift your mood, especially when you wake up GRUMPY| 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 9]

Today’s tip is brought to you by GRUMPY ME! Yes, even when you are manifesting like a queen, you still get grumpy, tired, sad and all those other feelings that humans are prone to feeling. But the thing is, when you have the tools to GET OVER IT, then you can acknowledge that you’re feeling this certain way and then use your tools to *POOF* transmute that mood and feel different (and hopefully more excited about your day).Last night I went to bed too late, which resulted in a grumpy wake up. No one likes that, especially not me. So here’s some simple techniques to shift your mood.Practice WELCOMING the beauty, the joy, the abundance, connection and whatever else it is you desire.Do this by consciously choosing to take a few seconds to breath in and feel the gratitude you have for welcoming the beauty that the day is bringing you in your heart. You can substitute anything you like for beauty, that just happens to be my favorite one at the moment. The way it looks for me is this:

  •  Wake up
  • Either in bed or not long after getting out of bed I say to myself (usually in my head) “I welcome the beauty and joy that the day is bringing me!!!"
  • Take a moment to bask in how that feels
  • Repeat if desired
  • Go on with your day

Sometimes the process of welcoming beauty isn’t enough. It starts the shift, but when you need a little something else, here’s what you can do.Give yourself permission to take a break (even for a couple of minutes) and go appreciate something beautiful. This could mean going to the park, stepping outside of your building and noticing the plants and sky and birdsong, or even just noticing a beautiful plant in your office. Or have a little dance party! Whatever will get you into the space of appreciating something in a physical way (hence going outside or dancing) will work. To supercharge this, take 2 seconds to do the connecting exercise I talked about in video #2 or do a quick grounding exercise. If you practice grounding daily, you will be able to do this in just a few seconds at any moment. And then notice the beauty around you. Here’s how this looks for me:

  • Go outside, walk across the street to the park
  • Notice the trees, notice the sky, notice the lake and the birds and the sunlight. Feeeeel the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. Feel the fresh air in my lungs as I inhale and exhale. Say hello to the trees and sky and lake.
  • Take a moment to do the connecting exercise from video 2 (or do a grounding exercise)
  • Continue noticing all the natural beauty around me as I walk back to my house - especially noticing flowers in my front garden!
  • For me this was a 10 minute ordeal and it COMPLETELY SHIFTED my mood. Now I’m ready to ROCK this day in a vibrant, loving way.
  • If you don’t have 10 minutes, then start with what you DO have. 1 minute? 5 minutes? Whatever time you have, get up, go outside or find a pretty plant and appreciate the beauty. Or do dance in the bathroom with your headphones on.

What do you do when you’re having a grumpy day or want to shift your mood? Share in the comments!

I want to make a note here. If you try this practice for a week and notice nothing, you might have a nutrient deficiency or chemical imbalance. Nutritionists, therapists, doctors (naturopathic or a trusted “regular” doctor) are allies in our healing process. You DON’T have to live with depression, especially if there’s an easy fix like addressing a nutritional deficiency!!! You did nothing to deserve this, and you are TOTALLY worthy of feeling awesome. XOPS - If you're wondering what this had to do with manifesting, here is a quick explanation. What you're learning how to do is to:

  1. Notice how you're feeling, what you're thinking and what state you're in
  2. Decide if you like all those things you're noticing in #1
  3. If you don't like them, shift them

There are soooo many ways to learn how to shift, and transforming a mood is a super useful skill that carries over into your manifesting practice. As we get deeper into the lessons, you'll get better and better at this!Image from