Where are you still hypnotized by society's lies? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 25]

Today we start the last week of this challenge.What changes have come about in your life?What changes are you still hoping to encounter?How do you feel compared to when you first began this challenge?Check in with yourself, ask these questions, and notice how you feel.Do you desire something different than what you started out with? Have you gotten clarity of vision on your desire? Have you expanded to see a bigger picture of what you’re creating in your life today, tomorrow, five years down the road?Have you learned how to shift your attitude, your energy, your awareness, so that you can move through blocks and BE in the vibration of what it is you desire?Have you been practicing gratitude?Have you been noticing when you’re in a power struggle or holding on to expectations?Take a deep breath and use today and this weekend to get in tune with what is changing for you and what still feels stuck. Where are you still hypnotized by society's lies?Then email me and let me know! This last week is for YOU to ask and receive.Have you been afraid to ask me for help? I’m here for you, WAITING to help you, WAITING to give you my attention and help you shift your awareness, just like the universe is WAITING to give you your desires, if you're only willing to get clear, ask and receive. Allow yourself to ask and then receive. It’s up to you want you accomplish in the final week of this challenge.I will keep sending you stories and tips and tricks, but if you want to make the most of this challenge, take a quick inventory and let me know where you’re at. What can I do for you? What are you struggling with? I’m not here to judge, I’m here to help.Let me know.  ?XoxoxoNataliePS - Here is a video that a challenge member sent in. I though y’all might enjoy trying this practice from Wayne Dyer with how to spend the last 5 minutes of your day:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h8It0nevWI&feature=youtu.bePPS - Thank you to all of you who HAVE reached out and asked for help and shared with me! It's made my day every time.  :)Image via Pinterest