What's draining your creative energy? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 26]

Today I’m exhausted. Well, right now I am, at least. It only got up to 91°F here, so it was a “nice” summer day. The lawn was about 3 miles high, so I mowed it. The garden has been overrun by weeds in my 3 months of traveling, so I started weeding it. The entire south side of the house, which runs alongside the driveway, is a wreck, so I started cleaning it and clearing out the stacks of logs, the dead plants, and the parched weeds.This all got me thinking about how sometimes we need to clean up the old mess before we can get into what it is we want to be doing. In the garden I cleaned out the carrots that have flowered and gone to seed. I pulled up the opportunistic weeds that came in to cover the soil and take advantage of the free rent while I was away. I cleared the paths and trained a vine up the arbor, instead of letting it sprawl all over the lawn.I’m tired now. Exhausted, really. And even though it’s been hours since I stopped working outside, I’m still kind of overheated. But you know what? I feel so good. It feels so good to be moving things around. To be clearing out the old and shifting the energy around all the things that were bumming me out about the garden. I’m resting now, fully reclined on the couch, and basking in the feeling of having tackled something that’s been draining my attention for months. In this moment I am tired, but I know that when I recover from the day’s work, I will also have recovered all that subconscious energy that was being drained by the nagging in the back of my mind that kept asking me when I’d JUST DO IT and clean up the yard.There’s always so much to be done in our lives, and certain things beg for attention louder than all the other tasks. What task are you avoiding doing that will let you reclaim all that mental and emotional energy when you finally JUST DO IT?

It’s so often the case that whatever we’re dreading or avoiding doing doesn’t even take that much time or effort, right?

So what happens when you reclaim that mental and emotional energy that was draining away because you were avoiding tackling a task? Your energy shifts out of guilt and shame and into relief and release. In this clearer state, you can truly relax and dream and use your power to manifest you desires. You set the stage for welcoming what you want in life, just like clearing the weeds out of the garden, so new seeds can grow and thrive.Even if your list of tasks is a million miles long, accomplishing one thing on that list will shift everything. In time your list will shrink, and so will your resistance to doing the things that are calling for your attention. In fact, by doing the task you are resisting, you will shift your ability to move through resistance of any kind. And you know that resistance is something that keeps you stuck and blocked from manifesting your desires, right?!So today’s practice is to at least write a list of all the tasks you are avoiding doing. Even if you don’t do them today, putting them down in list form will help your mind stop subconsciously mulling over all your to-do’s. Then, when you’re ready to tackle one thing, you’ll be able to get right to it. You’ll take one look at the list and something will pop out. Do that thing. Then celebrate!XoxoNatalieImage via Pinterest