When's the last time you scared the sh*t out of yourself? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 21]
You might notice this daily practice is coming out quite close to the end of the day, but it IS still day 21. ? It’s all because Lizzy and I decided to travel from NC to MD to celebrate our mor-mor’s (that’s Danish for mother’s mother) 93rd birthday. Ninety-three years old. Can you imagine that?So Lizzy and I are driving up and having a multi-hour “business” meeting, which consists of inspiration sessions and brainstorming about the future of DFB. About halfway through the drive, we realize that it was exactly a year ago THIS WEEK that we conceived of the idea to create the Dream Freedom Beauty podcast. At the time of that fateful conversation, Lizzy was living in TN, and I was living in NC. Less than 10 days later, she was living with me in NC, by forces that had “nothing” to do with the podcast. I say “nothing” because it was for an entirely different reason that she moved, but we both know that at the core of her willingness to move was the power of hope and desire held in the DFB podcast dream vision. As we’re driving along, I remember that I have the VERY conversation of our podcast’s conception recorded on my phone. We pull it up and play it over bluetooth. Having the clarity of a year’s worth of visualizing, refining, and action makes us giggle at how much has grown from our initial seed of inspiration. I mention in that recorded phone call how important it is to me that we bring conversations about nature spirits into the public realm. Lizzy agrees. A year ago, all I knew was that I wanted a community to come together based on being connected with nature spirits and intuition. I had no idea of the insanely satisfying and soul-blossoming effect that the realization of this one desire would have, not to mention the amaaaaazing people I’d meet along the way.But back to today and our “business” meeting. We’re there in the car, working on creating clarity about what’s to come in our next phase of DFB productions. We’re seeing NEW visions that we had perhaps seen glimmers of in that initial conversation, but that hold so much more detail and color and realness now because we are that much deeper into the experience of living this dream. The dream unfolds. The dream expands. And the dream somehow embodies more of itself than we ever even imagined in that fateful conversation last July.Now I’m getting teary-eyed, writing this to you. Not because of the DFB journey, but because I know how it feels to have an inspiration or a dream and to not act on it. I think back at how I wanted to start something called the New Age Times in 2011. I know that if I had just started and kept at it, I could be “so much further” than where I am now, simply because that’s 5 years of being immersed in a dream vision. But I forgive myself, and I tell myself I am soooo grateful for WHATEVER it is that got me to take action on the DFB dream one year ago and to just GO FOR IT no matter what.So today’s daily practice isn’t so much of a practice but a choice. Today I am asking you to choose something you want to do and DO IT. Take that first step. It truly is that first step that gets you going on the journey of a lifetime. Time is passing no matter whether you’re acting on your dreams or not, so even if you’re doing a “crappy” job at your dream, you’re still doing something, and that will get you lightyears ahead of not having done anything at all. And I’ve saved the crappy parts of the DFB creation story for another day, but they’re there! Yes, we failed… a lot. And we still fail at things, and that’s OK. The rewards of living this dream that came into being one year ago are far greater than any of the embarrassments and pains of the failures we’ve had along the way.And just like Lizzy's reason to move to NC with some urgency, a reason that had nothing to do with the podcast, you will be guided to do things that may seem like they aren't related to your dream but that set the stage for everything to unfold perfectly. With your dream vision clarity and your skills to navigate the terrain of your thoughts and feelings, you are already set to let yourself trust the process and flow into the creation of something different and new to you. What gift can you give yourself today? Ask yourself what dream is waiting for you to say:“I am going to create this dream, no matter what."The answer will probably scare you. Good. That’s your edge, and that’s where you need to go to expand into the truest, youest of you. That’s where your gifts are waiting to be unwrapped and put to use. That’s where your heart’s compass is pointed. Your answer will push your boundaries. That’s how you grow. It will seem exciting, too, because it’s full of the expression of your divine connection. DFB scared the shit out of us, and it pushed all of our boundaries. And even putting myself out there to do this 30-Day Challenge scared the shit out of me. And you know what, it feels freaking awesome. Those boundaries look like child’s play to us now, and we’re ready to scare the shit out of ourselves again!So ask yourself today:What dream are you willing to claim for yourself and create, no matter what?XoxoxoNataliePS - If you’ve emailed me and haven’t heard back, please message me through Facebook. I think there was a problem with our email server, but it should be fixed now. Thank you :)Image from Pinterest