What do Beyonce, Stephen Colbert and David Bowie have in common? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 18]

Gravity has always been present, but it wasn’t acknowledged and identified until relatively recently. The same for electricity. It has always been present, and it wasn’t until relatively recently that it was harnessed for use by humans. And it’s the same with the creative power within each person. It’s always been here, but very few people have noticed it and learned how to use it. It’s funny how it took humans so long to discover electricity, isn’t it?!The power of conscious creation is of these forces that has always been present, like electricity. No matter if you are or aren't aware of how you’re using your power to create your reality, you’re still doing it. Lucky for you, you eventually woke up, noticed what was happening, and now you’re learning how to harness this power for useful, creative and fun purposes in your life. And it’s just like harnessing the power of electricity to make your life easier. Electricity is always available, but you have to plug in and turn on a switch to make use of it.Now I’m going to introduce another concept that will help you get out of your own way, so you can plug in and turn on the switch to making use of your conscious, creative powers.You probably used this concept as a kid while playing make believe, so I know you’ve got this ability in you. Before I introduce the concept, I want to know if you can guess what Beyonce, Stephen Colbert and David Bowie have in common?If you guessed that they all use this concept, you’re right. And if you guessed that they all have stepped into alter egos at some point to give themselves permission and power to do something different, then you know what’s up!Yes, this is the concept:Stepping into an alter ego who IS an amazing, conscious creator and who IS awesome at being/doing/having whatever it is you desire. You get to pretend to be the version of you who is totally awesome at manifesting, who is totally awesome at tuning into the exact feeling of what it is you want to experience. You get to play and pretend at already having your dream vision manifested and step into that person who lives in that reality now.Just because it’s “made up” doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. EVERYTHING is made up, so make up an alter ego for yourself who IS more awesome at living your dream than you ever even imagined was possible. What does that feel like? I know you can do this. You did this as a kid whenever you pretended to be someone else. Reach into that little kid self and reach into your all-knowing, all-powerful, higher self who sees the eagle’s eye view, and ask them both to help you conjure up your super-powered, awesomer than awesome dream vision alter ego. Give him or her a name. Dress your alter ego up, and make them look and act however you desire. The only rule is make it FUN. Laugh, giggle, and have FUN with it. Ask your guides for help if you’re into that.Write down, record, draw or collect pictures that represent this alter ego. If you want some help getting inspired, you can call upon your favorite archetypes to give you powers. Archetypes are beings who represent the embodiment of a collection of energies. Ancient gods and goddesses each represent an archetype, like the Norse goddess Freyja or the Greek god Mercury. There’s waaaay more to archetypes and alter egos than goddesses and gods, so I invite you to do some searching to find what inspires you. Or just tap into it right here and right now, trusting what shows up for you in the moment as you ask yourself what are the characteristics of your alter ego who is already an amazing manifestor and who is already living your dream vision as their reality?For a long time - many many many years - Iv’e had an alter ego as a wild woman of the woods. She has a cottage in the forest, an absolutely amazing garden, and a strong connection with the nature spirits and the little people of the woods. She makes medicines and potions and helps people who come to her for assistance. She spends her days with the plants, appreciating them, tending to them, and loving them as a protector and nurturer. She rides a white horse across a field at midnight under a full moon. She wears dresses and capes. Her hair is long and shiny. I have a name for her, but I prefer to keep that private!  ?She embodies freedom, beauty, being connected to nature and to her intuition, dreaming, creating, and simply being. In many ways I’ve become her. This vision has been with me since my teens at least, and now I am living many of these qualities and experiences as my present reality.I bet you have someone in you, another version of you that is living your dreams. You might even have more than one alter ego! In fact, I plan on tuning into and identifying my super successful online-business owner alter ego now!So, go play. Have fun. Imagine up your alter ego. Change him or her as desired. Then, when you’re feeling stuck or when you’re about to do your version of “going onstage”, step into your alter ego, and let it show you the way. XoxoNatalieImage from Pinterest