Welcome your desire with your arms & heart wide open | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 14]
What we don’t immediately realize when we’re manifesting a desire is that there are a whole slew of changes that will occur in our lives when that desire is our present reality. This exercise will help to uncover some changes that you are unconsciously holding in relation to your desire. This is a great exercise for being able to be a vibrational match with your desire and to welcome it with arms wide open. If you aren’t sure what I mean by vibrational match - it’s that feeling of totally BEING IN your desire NOW and of totally and completely accepting it, consequences and all. When we have hidden fears around our desires, no matter how hard we try, those fears will be part of our vibration. This is why clearing is so important! Holding onto hidden resistance will keep that desire from becoming your reality. Uncovering and accepting the potential changes and consequences will allow you to feel completely and totally willing to live this desire.We’ve been trained to explain why we want what we want or why we do what we do. It’s a defense mechanism. There’s no need to explain or justify reasons why you want what you want. You want it because you want it. On some level your desire sounds like a delicious, juicy, fun thing to experience. That’s enough.We justify our reasons why and try to make our actions and desires acceptable to society, our friends, our family, and our bosses. Sometimes we are trying to justify our desires to ourselves, and we do it because we are subconsciously fearful of the changes that might occur in our lives when the desire is our present, every day reality. These justifications to ourselves or others are signs of hidden fears, beliefs and defenses that are either:
- Holding you hostage, causing you to avoid admitting what you really want
- Holding you in resistance to manifesting what you want
So how do you move through this? Well, if option #1, above, is what’s happening, admit what you really want right now. If that doesn’t work, read the Day 12 daily practice and get clarity on what you truly desire. Then, when you’ve got more clarity on your true desire, come back and do this exercise!For option #2, I suggest trying this exercise. This is a very helpful exercise, no matter whether you’re justifying your desires or just want to uncover hidden fears surrounding potential changes that come with your desire.
- Mentally play out some scenarios of possible changes that might occur when your desire IS your present, everyday reality and list the changes that could occur. For example, what changes will occur in your relationships with friends, with your boss, with your family? What changes will occur with your finances, your taxes, your methods of handling money? What changes will occur with your reputation? With your health? With your responsibilities? You get the picture? What changes will show up in different areas of your life? You can also use your justifications for why you want what you want as starting points for identifying the changes that might happen.
- Go through the list and ask yourself what you’re afraid of with each change. The changes could be objectively awesome things that might happen, but you have some hidden fears around them. That’s ok. Whatever shows up, that is for you to work with and work through.
- Go through each fear and ask yourself whether you are willing to accept that potential consequence or not. If not, use the clearing techniques from video 2 to dissolve the charge around the fear and get clear. I find that when I do this exercise, simply bringing the fears to my conscious awareness discharges the energy around them. I am often willing to accept the consequences, and I am then no longer in that resistance pattern with my hidden fears. And believe me, I’ve had some big ones show up here!!!
- If you have a particularly sticky one, keep exploring it with curiosity and with the acceptance that it’s showing up to be interacted with and cleared. A self-guided method of getting to the heart of fears and limiting beliefs is outlined in this book called Emotional Options by Mandy Evans. I definitely recommend this book.
A simple example of this method would be:My desire is to generate a full-time income through an online business. This will change my life in so many ways. For one, I’ll eventually have to hire people, and that sounds like a lot of work and management that I don’t want to do! I also might end up feeling isolated, since I’ll be working from home. It might be hard for me to put my work aside in my “off” time.Ok, these are some potential things that might happen. I can go through each of these and see that I fear having to spend all my time alone or micro-managing people. I also fear that I will never be able to really take time off. I am willing to accept these and to even use these as starting points for getting clear on what I DO desire and value in my online business career. For example, I value working with people I absolutely enjoy working with, and that they’re effective, self-directed workers. I value being able to step away and really enjoy myself outside of work. See? Easy! Now I can welcome this with arms (and heart) wide open. ;)Video 4 will be out on Tuesday. If you have anything you want to ask me about, send me your questions today!XoxoNatalieImage from Pinterest