Need more clarity with your dream vision story? Or a rewrite? Read this. | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 15]
It’s already DAY 15!!!! You’re halfway through, and I’m happy to tell you that the questions and stories that you’re sending me show me that you’re doing it. You’re making this happen! I received a few questions yesterday about getting clarity with your dream vision story. The questions were both very different, yet they revolved around an important part of the journey: revising the vision. I had this topic scheduled as an upcoming video lesson, but it looks like y’all are ready for a taste of it now. If this resonates with you, know that it’s part of the journey! Yay!Did you have a hard time getting clarity on your story in the beginning? Or are you finding that your story and desires are changing? Today’s practice will help you revisit and revise your dream vision story, so you can be in greater alignment with your true desires.Sometimes you know you want something in general, but you don’t know enough about the details of your desire to really write a story. This exercise will help you get more information, get clarity, and get excited about what you’re creating. If you never really got specific or clear about your story, or if your story doesn’t fit anymore or doesn’t feel right, or if you just want to check in with your dream vision story and see if you can supercharge it, keep reading.When you start with a dream vision story, and further down the road the story doesn’t fit, there are a few things that could be happening:
- It could be that old “stuff” is coming up to be cleared, and you are kinda stuck in it - once you dissolve the emotional charges surrounding your “stuff”, you’re desire is waiting there for you again, shiny and bright and feeling right. Sometimes you just need to get out of the misty cloud of fear that has come up to be cleared. You are learning how to do this clearing stuff, so keep practicing. I even get caught in a funk of fear sometimes. It just happens, it’s life. But I promise that as you practice moving through it and transmuting it, it happens far less often, and it’s so much easier when it does happen. It’s like you become a ninja at noticing and dissolving fears before they can wreak any havoc on you.
- You’ve cleared so much stuff already, that you’re seeing from a new perspective - and your original dream vision story isn’t aligned with your new sense of clarity - so you need to rewrite your story
Revising the story is part of the journey. If you’re finding yourself needing more clarity on your story, that’s a sign that you’re shifting and changing, you’re getting a clearer connection with what it is you truly desire, and you’re clearing your pathways to receiving what you truly desire. So what can you do with this? How can you get clear with your dream vision story now? First, let go of attachment to your story and to expectations about how it has to show up. It’s easy for me to tell you to let go of your attachment to your story, but you’re probably wondering why you have to do it, so I’ll explain a little more. Your story is a map, your life is the journey. When you put yourself in motion guided by your dream vision story, your higher self/ the universe/god/goddess/source is like, "YES, let’s take this person on a journey to their dream vision!”What you can’t see are all the possible outcomes and opportunities and events and connections that can be made along the way. Spirit sees it all, and this is why intuition is so powerful! Intuition is our sense of direction led by spirit, and what you’ve been learning is a method for clearing your connection with your intuition to systematically manifest experiences in your reality. This is a co-creation between you and spirit. That spirit IS you and it IS goddess/source/universe/your higher self. You are learning to “see” with spirit eyes. And your spirit guides are helping, too. If you like to work with your guides and the angels, you can always call upon them to help you. But, as you may know, you HAVE to ASK them for help, just like you have to ask a human friend for help.Ok, I’ve rambled a bit, but that is all important information, too. Back on track here… Your dream vision story is a map, your life is the journey. Your dream vision story is aligned with you experiencing the most beautiful expression of your true, divine essence. That’s just how it is when you tap into this. Even though the story may be that you have a sweet job, have a love partner, or live in an awesome house, those are all part of that beautiful expression, too. So spirit says, “Great, they’re willing to go on the journey, so I’ll help them out a bit with my higher perspective.” And spirit leads you to those situations that are either things you need to clear or things that are part of the manifestation of your dream vision as your reality. As you clear stuff, you can see more of that higher perspective, too. You can see that what you thought you wanted isn’t really what you want. And that’s ok. That is the point. That is part of the journey. But remember this, you wouldn’t have had this realization if you weren’t willing to take a step and manifest that first dream vision story. Sometimes what you manifest isn’t the thing you thought you wanted, but more clarity on what you really, truly desire. This is part of why not having attachment to the outcome is so important! If you were so attached to that original story, you wouldn’t be able to see that something even more magnificent showed up, and that there really is something else that is such a better fit for your true heart’s expression and desire.So what do you do when you feel like your story isn’t clear enough or like it’s not really lighting you up like it used to do?Sometimes what you have to do is revise or write a new story. You can import parts you liked from your old story or start from scratch, then add whatever you want to add. It’s your life. Your map. Your journey. Do what you like! Do what lights you up!When you’re rewriting your story, or if you just need more clarity in your story, try getting clear on what you VALUE:
- Remember, getting into a space of feeeeeling how it feels to already HAVE that desire as your present reality is ALL you really truly need to manifest it. Your desire is already here waiting for you, but you have to get into the space of being able to notice and welcome it. How does it feel to have it all work out? How does it feel for everything to happen in the perfect time? And in delightful ways? You don’t need to know the HOW. You just need to know the WHAT, and this feeling IS the what. What I’m helping you do is get clarity on the WHAT and get clarity on your WILLINGNESS TO RECEIVE the what.
- From that space of feeling your desire manifested, ask yourself what it is that you value in this situation you are manifesting. What do I mean by values? Well, say you are wanting to generate income. You know there are certain things you value, like having a flexible schedule and being able to be present for your partner and having time and energy to work on your creative, fun projects, but you DON’T know what the heck kind of job will do all this for you. That's ok. You just identify the WHAT with your values and feelings, and spirit will deliver the HOW.Some ideas for what you might value in your income generating method(s):1. Flexible schedule that works around you, your travels and your relationships2. Your income generating method complements and energizes your creative work3. Your income stream is reliable and is more than enough money4. Whatever it is you're doing, it feels like YES!5. You really enjoy the people that you're working with6. It's so easy to get to and from work
- Then turn your values into your story. It could go like this:"I am soooooo grateful about how I am generating income!!! I freaking love how it's a perfect fit for where I'm at right now and for what I am creating in my life and relationships. I am so grateful that I get to travel, make my art, and be in so many beautiful relationships, including the one with my partner! This situation is so aligned with my values, and it showed up in the perfect time and in a delightful way."How does reading that feel? Remember that gratitude. It’s always helpful to start with gratitude if you don’t know where to start. ? ❤️ Read your story and feeeeel it when you wake up. Greet the day and thank the day for bringing you all of this and more!If it feels yucky, then either this story totally doesn’t resonate with you AND/OR you have some blocks around actually living this!
- After you’ve rewritten your story, go do the exercise from Day 14 to clear the fears around all the changes that this desire will bring to your life.
You can add in the intention for the universe/god/goddess/source/higher self to fill in all the details in delightful ways and to bring you your desire in the perfect time. I also want to highlight something here, for those of you who may be looking deep into your shadow side. This is a journey of self-transformation. The answers are within you. You can seek help from outside sources, and I even encourage you to do so, but in the end, it will be from your innermost depths that the answers arise. If you are deep in your journey through shadow (and not everyone will be here, but I know I have been here before!) then know that when you face the parts of yourself you don’t want to see, and when you transmute them through acceptance, forgiveness, love, and reintegration, then you will never, ever be haunted by those inner shadows again. If you can’t see the treasure or strength in what you once thought was a weakness, then keep going! There really are amazing people who are trained to help you on this journey, so know they aren’t doing your work, but they can help you. Seek their help. Seek help from your higher self and your guides, too. This is urgent. Don’t let yourself wallow in this pit. Intend to see the truth no matter what. Intend to heal and know your wholeness. Start asking for help. Find the support you need to help you in this moment. Once you emerge, you will be transformed. Don’t be surprised if your old story doesn’t fit anymore. Simply write a new one. Who are you, truly? What do you truly want to be? I’m so proud of y’all for making it this far! As always, let me know if I can help you. If you need help identifying your values, I’d be happy to help by email or phone, just let me know.XoxoNatalieImage from Pinterest