On Loving Lost Boys and Intentionally Entering Altered States

In the “downtime” of my creative cycles I am easily lulled into dreamy trance states. It is here that ideas are waiting to be picked from the void of the dreamtime space. It is here that I do energetic healing work on the subtlest levels, following strings of energy deep into the patterns of my reality where they can be untangled and rewoven into something a little lighter and way more fun.

Our culture doesn’t have a place for sober altered states.

We get wasted on alcohol, substances, food, tv and movies all while hoping for escape, answers and relief. For most of my life my natural tendencies to enter altered dream states felt scary and disallowed by convention. Drinking until nearly blackout drunk felt good because I had a culturally valid excuse for why I wasn’t consciously present in my intellectual, critical mind. It gave me freedom to enter into the void that I both loved and feared.Drinking also gave me community. I spent many many years with people I now call the lost boys. They had nothing to lose, so they gave it their all. These lost boys were beautiful and broken inside. I felt their pain, and on an intuitive level I knew how to heal their wounds, if only they were willing. Most weren’t, but they liked having me around because I made them feel good. I gave them hope, and I could see them for who they were beneath the pain and years of broken defeat.This went on from age 15 until I was 25. I don’t remember the moment that made me stop and reflect on what I had been doing with my life, but I do remember the promise I made deep within my heart and soul. I wouldn’t give of myself sexually, emotionally, or intellectually to anyone unless they were willing to receive me fully and be true to their own highest self and light.For 2 years I dove deep into my inner world, rearranging my heart, cleaning house, and repainting the stories I was telling myself. It was (very) lonely at times, but it was what I wanted and needed. As I gathered my inner reserves, my inner strength grew. Boundaries became clearer. Desires and dreams showed up ready to dance and play in this new life. New connections gave way to new communities that supported a different and more fitting way of being in the world.I still deeply love the lost boys of the world. I wish I could save them all, but I know they are already saved the moment they decide to choose love. To love themselves and to love their past and to love their future. Now I know how to see them without giving myself away. A word. A glance. A look in the eyes. A gesture. It can be the subtlest thing that confirms another person’s deep need to be seen and loved. And that might be all it takes to tip their inner scales in favor of living in love.In the time I took to rearrange myself and get clear on who I am and who I want to be, I also learned about intentionally entering the dreamtime spaces. These worlds are accessed via altered states, and it is totally and completely natural for us to travel into these realms. It is here that we learn to understand what it truly means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. As beings, both human and spiritual, we are always operating on multiple dimensions.Despite what you’ve been taught by society, what you see is not the whole picture of reality. Despite your fears about leaving your conscious critical state of mind and entering altered states, it’s ok to do this. You’ve been doing it your whole life anyways.

It is your birthright to navigate the subtle planes of existence.

It is here that you do healing work and plant the seeds of manifestation for what’s to come. You’re doing this work whether you’re aware of it or not. Perhaps you’ve woken up in a dream at night and become conscious of these other worlds. What did you do then? Did you play, or fly or travel somewhere else you’ve always wanted to go?You can become conscious of your travels between realms by cultivating an inner awareness of your thoughts and feelings through meditation. Art, dance, play and even day dreaming are easy ways to intentionally enter altered states. It doesn’t have to be a big ordeal. When you step into your senses and feel your breath and body, you open the door to consciously drifting between states of awareness and being.I offer this story as an invitation for you to explore altered states of being. Notice how you’re already altering your awareness through daydreaming or play. How does it feel?I invite you to give yourself intentional time every week (or every day!) to explore these other states. Start with a simple commitment, one you can keep. Schedule in time every week to sit in meditation or practice divination or any other sort of activity that helps you step into the subtle realms.Take a workshop on shamanic journeying. Go to a guided meditation class. Sit in nature and ask the elementals and nature spirits to show you something different and new that you’ve never noticed before. Learn about the clairs (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairsalience, claircognizance and many more) and practice tuning in to your strongest intuitive sense. And most of all, give yourself permission to play and enter these states in your power and in your truth as a spiritual being having a human experience.Tell me in the comments, what has been your experience with altered states?Have you ever felt like you were not allowed to enter into them naturally?Do you make time to explore this part of your consciousness and abilities?I've put together a powerful exercise you to help you tap into your inner truth and get clear on who you are and who you want to be. You can get it for free in the box below this post.This exercise is fun. It's a gateway into creating the life you truly desire that reflects your purpose and what you came here to embody and express. And answering the questions I provide in the exercise will help you access an altered state of waking dreamtime, where you're working with your higher self to co-create those first steps towards your new reality. Try it out, and let me know what you dream up!xoxoNataliePS - I don’t want to give the impression that you must be sober to be spiritual or that alcohol or substances are “bad”. I simply share my story and experience as a gift to you, so you may see you’re not alone in these experiences and that you may be inspired to explore these other realms within the power of your natural, inherent abilities!

Featured image by Joe Webb https://www.artsy.net/artwork/joe-webb-antares-and-love-xi