Do This 1 Simple Exercise to Unlock Your Manifesting Potential

Making sure your desires are in alignment with the expression and full embodiment of your purpose sets the stage for fulfilling and fun manifesting experiences down the road.Feeling the contrast of how your purpose feels against the choices you make enables you to trust yourself & your intuition as you create a life that is aligned with living and expressing your purpose and gifts.This week I manifested a collaboration that I really wanted to do. It's something that I've wanted since the very beginning of starting this whole podcast and coaching journey!But when it showed up, I knew in my heart and in my gut that it just wasn't right. My heart was saying YES and it was also saying BUT NOT YET.A powerful part of manifesting is accepting where you are now.This could mean accepting you’re not ready or that you've been procrastinating and you’re more than ready to move forward on something.Your power is in the here and now. It's in the situations or circumstances that make up your life in this present moment.Once you move through the disappointment or fear that can show up when you accept where you are, you can start to see with your heart and mind that there is power in your next step. And the step after that. And the step after that. And you can see that there is a step where it is perfectly aligned to give a whole-hearted YES to enticing, juicy opportunities that show up.My intuition told me that this opportunity was asking more than I could give right now, and it would stretch me too thin. It’s just not time.Stretching can get you out of your comfort zone, but it can also take you too far, causing injury and setback.Your power is in being able to see whether or not you’re truly ready for something. Are you pushing forward, holding back or moving with finesse in your flow?I was able to peacefully turn down this opportunity because I have a beautiful Dream Vision Story written out that I use to align myself with my purpose, flow and true heart's desires. I've used this Dream Vision Story as a map to guide me in every choice I make. It sets my heart and mind to my own true north.Feeling the contrast of how your Dream Vision Story feels against how decisions feel makes it easier to trust yourself & your intuition.I took a few moments to write down both how you can write your own Dream Vision Story to guide you AND how to manifest a specific desire aligned with this Dream Vision Story.Are you ready to point your inner compass to your true north, so you can manifest in alignment with your purpose and in the flow?Get this easy, fun exercise below!Let me know what questions you have or what amazing new ideas or opportunities this exercise brings to you!xoxoNatalie