Hannah Corbett on Moving Through Fear, Coming Out of the Broom Closet and Her Journey in Publishing Her First Book [episode 124]
A warm welcome back to emerging author, Secret-Dakini-Oracle reader, and weaver, Hannah Corbett featured in episode 108. A journey that has been four years in the making, Hannah has self-published her first book, Lunar Flower Priestess: Ritual Magic & Healing Wisdom for the Sacred Feminine Spirit. This personal grimoire acts as a how-to manual to empower readers in the practice of ritual magic, cultivate your best life and heal existing wounds. In this conversation, we discuss:
- How to summon the courage to work through fear and live in your life’s purpose
- Releasing fear as a gatekeeper in the ancestral lineage
- How to distinguish between what fears keep us safe versus what fears hold us back
- Coming out of the broom closet to family
- Passing through the self-imposed barrier of public speaking
- Serpent power as a representation of masculine energy that is often suppressed
- Unblocking taboos that “women should be seen and not heard”
- Finding the balance between masculine and feminine energy
- Working through discomfort and imbalances that show up when manifesting a co-creation with the universe
- Hannah's personal toolkit to help her establish grounding and support during hardship
- Getting clear about who exactly you are serving
- How recognizing that not everyone is going to like you can be liberating
- How to discover the root of your core wounding
- How to acknowledge personal learnings from fear in order to release
- Faster EFT to tap into memories and change neurological pathways
- EMDR with hypnotism to go back to traumatic memories and change the story
- The dualistic concept of fearing success while yearning for it
- Building confidence through practice
- How the definition of success is different for each person
- The limiting belief that “the more you successful you are, the less freedom you have”
- Learn more about Hannah and her service offerings at http://www.lunarflowerpriestess.com/
- Follow Hannah on Instagram @lunarflowerpriestess
- Read Hannah’s new book: Lunar Flower Priestess: Ritual Magic & Healing Wisdom for the Sacred Feminine Spirit
- Shout out to Everyday Magic in Durham, NC!
- Serpent and Bow garments with crystal pockets!
- Episode 23 featuring Liv Wheeler on Facing Your Biggest Fears & Being Dissed in the National Media
- Episode 108 featuring Hannah Corbett on Sharing Your Shadow Story, Connecting with Spirit Guides, and Journeying Through Womb Denial
Bonus! A Reading from Hannah’s new book, Lunar Flower Priestess: Ritual Magic & Healing Wisdom for the Sacred Feminine Spirit. Check out this week’s secret episode for more unique insights from Hannah!