Biddy Tarot Founder Brigit Esselmont on Intuitive Entrepreneurship & Manifesting Your Best Life [episode 125]
Brigit Esselmont is known worldwide as a professional tarot reader, intuitive entrepreneur and founder of Biddy Tarot. You might be familiar with her work if you have ever googled any tarot card in search of context and deeper meaning. Biddy Tarot offers a comprehensive glossary of tarot resources including a brief overview of each card, spiritual entrepreneurship courses, coaching, and books to deliver tarot knowledge to the masses. Brigit’s latest book, Everyday Tarot, offers a practical guide to help readers learn to trust their intuition and access their inner power.
In this conversation, we explore:
- Learning how to your trust intuition and connect with your soul’s purpose
- Resting in silence to create space for renewal
- Upgrading your personal operating system to make clear and conscious decisions
- Signs and signals that indicate the need for a personal upgrade
- How to blend spirituality and business using intuition and strategic planning
- Learning to sit with messy energy that exists in decision-making in order to identify the core issue
- What happens when you ignore your intuition
- What it means when the same tarot cards keep coming up in different readings
- Conscious writing as a tool to tap into the subconscious and gain a deeper understanding of your tarot reading
- How the body reacts when you ignore your intuition
- Bringing the subconscious into the conscious realm
- Modernizing the concept of tarot in order to make it more practical and accessible
- Tarot as a spiritual coaching tool to empower readers to recognize their own personal power
- Tarot as a mirror to the soul, divination as a connection to divine self
- When it comes to tarot, why fortune-telling is out and intuition is in
- How nature plays a role in spiritual practice
- Brigit’s favorite tarot spread questions for the new moon and the full moon
- Brigit’s new book, Everyday Tarot, which includes chapters on tarot for a career, tarot for relationships, tarot for decision making and tarot for a manifestation
- Tarot as a tool to connect with intuition and manifest your best version of self
New Moon Tarot Spread Questions
- What have I released since the full moon?
- Where am I now?
- What is emerging within me?
- What do I wish to grow?
- How can I bring my goals and intentions to fruition?
- What additional resources are available to me as I manifest my goals? (Hint: Upright indicates the resources are located outside of you, reversed refers to internal resources)
Full Moon Tarot Spread Questions
- What have I created and manifested since the new moon?
- Where am I now?
- What’s coming into my conscious awareness?
- What is no longer serving me?
- How can I release and let go of those energies?
- What additional resources are available to me as I release and let go? (Hint: Upright indicates the resources are located outside of you, reversed refers to internal resources)
- Hop on over to for tarot basics, free resources, online courses and community
- Follow Brigit on Instagram @BiddyTarot
- Connect with Biddy Tarot on Facebook
- Learn more about Brigit’s new book and tarot deck, Everyday Tarot
- Access Biddy Tarot’s free downloadable Tarot keyword chart!
- Listen to archived episodes of the Biddy Tarot Podcast
- Dive into an illuminating Full Moon Tarot Spread & Ritual
Bonus, Secret Episode! Leading Esoteric Entrepreneur Brigit Esselmont on how to start a business. This includes empowering strategies on how to intuitively tap into what your business is aligned with, while maintaining the integrity of the soul of the business, yourself and your customers. Check out this week’s secret episode for more unique insights from Brigit!