A Super Power Clearing Technique for BEING in the Flow of Love and Abundance

Hello Beautiful Lovelies!Before you get all huffy and puffy about how you can’t forgive someone for that heinous thing they did or why forgiveness is cheesy and dumb, hear me out.Right now you are breaking through an old paradigm where you were seeing yourself and the world from a perspective that kept you locked into stories of confusion, hate, blame, victimization, and powerlessness.What you are learning is that YOU ARE already powerful and worthy and deserving of all the beauty, abundance and dreams your heart desires. You are learning how to be IN your power and how to use your power to create from love, abundance and true beauty. You are learning how to EMBODY and EXPRESS the natural most beautiful essence of you.

What you are learning is that YOU ARE already powerful and worthy and deserving of all the beauty, abundance and dreams your heart desires.

Imagine this... You’ve been living in a house all your life. You thought you knew everything about the house, how many windows it had, where the doors were, where the doors lead to, what the paint colors are... But one day you brush up against the wall and notice something new, a little tiny sliver of light shining through. You didn’t know there was another window here. You look through the tiny sliver, and you see that there’s a whole different world out there. It’s beautiful, it’s full of people you love, is this heaven? No, it’s a different paradigm. It’s in this world, but not of it. You want to step into this world, but you can't break the glass and you can’t figure out how to open the window to climb through.Forgiveness is like the super power cleaning solution that clears away what’s keeping you from seeing more of this other world and figuring out how to get into that beautiful world on the other side. Right now you can see through a tiny sliver of clarity into that other side. You’re doing some deep cleaning, and soon you’ll be able to see through this window into this totally different world. One day it will be  natural, logical and easy to simply open the window and climb through to this other side.So what is forgiveness, and how do you do it? Forgiveness is a tool that let’s you get out of patterns that keep you focused on what’s hurting, what’s wrong or what’s bad.Remember, WHAT YOU FOCUS ON IS WHAT YOU ARE CREATING. Holding on to unforgiveness keeps you locked in that resistance pattern of hurt and pain from whatever it is you are unwilling to forgive. And that hurt and pain is in your awareness and your conscious and subconscious thoughts and feelings, influencing your experience of life.When you forgive someone or something, you are NOT saying that what they did is OK. You are saying, “I am willing to let go of this, to honor what I learned from this experience, and to honor myself by making a different choice if a situation like this arises again.” From here on out, you are free and able to set new boundaries that honor your truth.You can forgive someone and also not ever talk to them again. That is ok. You have forgiven them, and you’ve given yourself the GIFT of clarity of thought and feeling. This is freedom. This is allowing you to be in the flow of your beauty and joy. You can forgive YOURSELF and let yourself off the hook for whatever guilt, pain, shame and fear you are holding on to for whatever you are feeling shameful for or judging yourself about.So how do you do it? It was through a book that Doreen Virtue taught me this simple saying. It can be used as many times a day in as many situations as necessary. When I first began my forgiveness journey, I made a list of alllllllllll the things that I was holding onto. Then I used this phrase to let go of the patterns of unforgiveness that I was steeped in from my old stories.It goes like this:I forgive youI release youI hold no unforgiveness backI am free, and you are freeThat’s it. Say it. Repeat it. If you can’t feel it yet, that’s ok. Just imagine that you are awesome at this and it’s working. You don’t have to feel it for it to begin to work in your subconscious and in your thought patterns. It's working to scrub away the grime and paint that keeps that secret window hidden. It's opening up the view and revealing the handle to open the window, so you can climb through to the other side.You can say it towards yourself. Towards others. Towards pets. Towards situations. Towards whatever you feel judgement about!Another powerful tool for facilitating forgiveness is the ho’oponopono prayer:I’m sorryPlease forgive meThank youI love youI googled this to make sure I was spelling it right, and I found this excellent page explaining the prayer:http://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/practice-hooponopono-four-simple-steps/So try these forgiveness tools. If you are willing, take the time to make a list of all the unforgiveness you are holding onto. You don’t have to write what anyone did, just write their name and work through the list using these forgiveness prayers. And remember to forgive yourself.Forgiveness is super powerful on its own, AND you can add the Faster EFT tapping technique to this process to help completely shift and release the emotional charges if you like.Thank you. I love you! NataliePS - As I wrote this sitting on my front steps the scent of gardenias wafted to me. If you have a moment today when the weather is tolerable, go outside and appreciate something in nature. Get into that beauty vibe!!! XoxoImage from http://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/practice-hooponopono-four-simple-steps/