Learning to Trust Yourself + Herbal Bakes with Spencre McGowan [episode 10]

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We are stoked to welcome herbalist, cook, writer, and founder of Gingertooth & Twine, Spencre McGowan! 

Spencre works closely with medicinal plants and food to create nourishing meals that bridge the gap between healing foods and traditional western herbalism. If you’re a kitchen witch or foodie, you’ll love her most recent book, Blotto Botany: a Lesson in Healing Cordials and Plant Magic.

In this episode Spencre shares about how to live with crippling anxiety and still be a boss babe. We’ll also discuss how plants can communicate with us as a form of support.




  • Deciphering intuition vs. anxious thoughts

  • The surprising bright side of FOMO

  • Getting to know houseplants as you would a friend or lover

  • How to hear your intuition speaking to you

  • Learning how to say no!

  • Picking up on energy in sacred spaces

  • Listening to your body, knowing when to leave

  • Running away from your fears and avoiding confrontation

  • The age of learning how to trust yourself

  • Spencre’s experience attending a Waldorf School as a child

  • How to know when plants give you permission to harvest

  • Noticing how plants communicate with you

  • How herbal medicines react differently in every body 

  • Spencre’s unexpected experience with Vitex for endometriosis

  • How WWOOFing in Sweden brought Spencre to her passion for baking

  • Naked spring water cleansing 

  • A special ring rinsing ritual to unite two people and the land they tend

Bonus Secret Episode! Spencre speaks about converting her passions into a paycheck as a conscious entrepreneur in this week’s secret episode!



Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/

Follow Earth Speak on Instagram @earthspeak https://www.instagram.com/earthspeak

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