Taking A Leap of Faith to Become an Earth Ally with Sarah Wu [Episode 7]

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This week we have the pleasure of welcoming clinical herbalist, permaculturist and deep ecology enthusiast, Sarah Wu to the podcast. We learn about her off-the-grid lifestyle and how our relationship with nature directly impacts the relationship we cultivate within ourselves. In this week’s podcast, Sarah explains how to unlearn the cultural imprinting engrained since birth and integrate your whole self into oneness with nature.

Sarah Wu is a clinical herbalist of nearly 20 years and a practicing permaculturist of a decade. Facilitating and mentoring people in a holistic lifestyle, Sarah focuses her teachings on Deep Ecology and the philosophy of Biophilia, rooted in the Wise Woman Traditions of modern witchcraft and earth-based spirituality. Sarah is the co-founder and producer of Envision Festival, where she curates the educational experiences as well as the Village Witches, honoring alternative and traditional eclectic healing modalities.




  • Sarah’s mixed ancestral lineage

  • The cultural history of Costa Rica 

  • Sarah’s journey leaving her marketing job to take a leap of faith 

  • Building a home in the jungles of Costa Rica

  • Practicing radical self-reliance

  • Marilyn Manson as a gateway to witchcraft and raising that freak flag

  • Power vs. Eminence, the discovery of your innate power within

  • Escaping the comparison trap and reframing all people as teachers with their own unique medicine 

  • How we receive doses of medicine 

  • Following the good medicine road

  • How healing is never achieved

  • How the Earth teaches us to let go

  • Composting old belief systems and self-depreciation

  • Dosing yourself with love

  • Sarah’s journey with infertility

  • Recognizing the privileges we have in our lives

  • Awakening of the Goddess

  • Sarah following her path through the dream world

  • Reading the omens of the animals

  • The spirit medicine of crocodiles and birds

  • Sarah’s final message: “Every step you take is holy”

Bonus Secret Episode! Sarah pulls a tarot reading for guidance on creating a new reality as the old patriarchy crumbles in this week’s secret episode!



Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/

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