How To Get Out Of Your Own Way & Hear Your Intuition with Naomi Love [episode 2]



This week, Natalie hits the road with traveling medicine womxn and wisdom keeper, Naomi Love. As they wind through the hills of San Francisco, across the Golden Gate Bridge, and out into the wilderness, Nat and Naomi get deep into the science and psychology behind shame and fear. We’ll introduce Earth Speak’s first online course, Inner Alchemy with Naomi Love who will teach you how to transmute trickster thought patterns so that you can step into your worth as a whole, authentic being.   

Naomi Love is a Medicine Womxn, Ceremonialist, Wisdom Keeper and Master Facilitator serving communities all around the world. She is the Creatrix of an international Living School, The Wise Womb Medicine Path™. With over 25 years of experience, Naomi has helped over 60,000 clients through her conscious commitment to meet all beings in Loving Presence and to hold space for deep transformational healing. Tune in to this week’s episode to reset your mindset around fear and resistance.




  • How to listen to your inner navigation system

  • Confusing fear and ego with intuition

  • Naomi’s secret practice to find her inner YES

  • Approaches to recalibrating your intuition

  • Understanding how resistance feels in the body

  • How the mind and ego fuel self-sabotage

  • Healing shame and unworthiness

  • The powerful thing that’s deeper than intentions...

  • How people typically aren’t taught conflict resolution skills

  • The difference between feeling and judgement

  • Describing the sensation of anger in the body

  • A potent practice for hearing how your body speaks to you

  • Changing the narrative around anxiety and pain

  • How anger creates a static limitation in the body

  • Denial is a form of resistance

We’re offering a new course, Inner Alchemy with Naomi Love, to be the first course we share with you because it will help you break down the key barriers that prevent you from believing in yourself and achieving your wildest dreams. Sign up to our email list at to be the first to know when doors open!


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Ambient music is by Emily Sprague //
Singing Music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow //

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