Emotional Alchemist Naomi Love on Trauma-Informed Somatic Womb Healing [episode 88]


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Naomi Love helps people to track patterns that keep them held in repeating disharmonious cycles in the way they think, feel, experience and relate with life. She guides people home to their true nature and share with the KEY's to setting themselves free from the old paradigms. Learn more and connect with Naomi at the Wise Womb Medicine Path and at www.naomilove.org.



  • Living on the diverse lands of Hawaii 

  • What is somatic womb healing and how Naomi developed her teachings 

  • Tracking patterns and trauma within the body

  • Getting out of the mind and into the body 

  • Differentiating between emotion and the ego

  • Learning to receive and relate in healthy ways 

  • The stomach as the most vulnerable aspect of the body

  • The role of the space holder in creating a safe environment for healing work to happen 

  • Why do womb work?

  • Agency vs power over 

  • The miracle of birth and creating life 

  • Healing ancestral trauma 

  • Feeling out of resonance with your truth

  • What happens when facilitator training is not trauma-informed 

  • Creating safety for yourself and others with energic hygiene 

  • Why opening space is different to holding space 

  • Toxic positivity 

  • Cultivating resilience to meet what arises 

  • Getting to the root of your trauma 

  • Bringing the focus back to healing 

  • Creating space for integration 

  • Being in right relationship with your role as a facilitator 

  • Learning to feel safe with touch in a non-sexual way 

  • Feeling connected to the cosmic web of creation 

  • Coming back to your true nature 

  • How Naomi came to study and teach womb work and cacao ceremony 

  • Communing with plants 

  • Honoring the spirit of the medicine of cacao 

  • Ask the Oracle

  • Getting clear on your offerings 

  • And more!

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Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/

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