Textile Artist Christi Johnson on Weaving Symbolism into Magic-Making [episode 34]


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Christi Johnson is a textile artist and teacher whose personal work explores the sacred in the process of creation using a language of geometric forms and color spectrums. The work becomes a quest for harmony, finding a dance of color, pattern, and texture within the chaos of material options. The transforming and evolving qualities of natural materials are embraced, and the use of discarded materials gives new life to that which has been cast aside. In 2015, Johnson founded Mixed Color, a textile studio in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York. Her studio produces original garments and creates embroidered pieces on vintage garments. As a teacher, Johnson also offers workshops in natural dyeing and embroidery. To not only educate others on these ancient skills but also share the methods of her own creative practice, she has created kits and booklets for students and DIY-ers. She works mostly with textiles - embroidery, natural dyes, and patchwork, but has been known to get down with some twigs, wood, and other natural materials. 

We are excited to share that Christi will be hosting a workshop with Earth Speak on November 13th 2020, on Talismanic Embroidery - how to make your clothes magical. Join us for the workshop, or sign up to watch the replay and learn how to turn a few basic stitches into infinite possibilities. 




  • Embroidering as ritual and medicine 

  • Living and eating with the cycles and the seasons

  • Creating connections to the plants of another land

  • How our bodies have evolved from the relationships of our ancestors and the Earth

  • Working with botanical dyes 

  • Why what's growing around us, is going to nurture us 

  • The gendered history and separation of art and craft 

  • Modern craft culture 

  • Reclaiming creativity and play

  • The relationship between animism and symbolism 

  • Symbols as concentrations of meaning 

  • Infusing textiles with the spirit of the being 

  • Re-weaving our relationship with symbolism

  • Colonisation and the many lost languages of embroidery 

  • Seeking the symbolism of the everyday

  • Co-creating talismans with our plant allies

  • Embroidery as a gateway to shadow work 

  • The birth of Christi’s book - Mystical Stitches

  • Attuning to your needs and creating a ritual container

  • Christi’s upcoming Talismanic Embroidery workshop, with Earth Speak

  • And more!

Bonus Secret Episode! Get the secret episode with Christi Johnson on mending, trending, and sustainable fashion at https://www.earthspeak.love/secret.



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Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/

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