You can quit if you want to... or try this! | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 23]

At the heart of yesterday’s daily practice was an exercise that revealed where you *think* you are headed, down the road, after you’ve manifested your current desire. If you take a look at your answers to the questions, you may find that you are more afraid of success than failure. Why would you be afraid of success? Again, it’s the changes that will occur in your life and all the unknowns that you are hesitant to accept that keep you from welcoming success.But that is not today’s topic. I just wanted to bring that up, for those of you who like to ruminate upon these ideas throughout your days. What is your ultimate success story right now, and how are you resisting it? If you want to dig deeper into that, then I highly recommend Day 22’s daily practice.  ?Now let’s get to today. What’s up with today? Whenever I sit down to write these things for you, it generally just flows. I often have so much in my mind waiting to jump out through my fingers, onto the keys and into the digital ethers to you. But today I’m drawing a blank in my mind. Hoping for a spark of inspiration, I consult my fairy oracle deck for backup, and... I draw a blank card there, too!So what do I do? I start writing. I show up. I summon my guides and ask them what to write about to bring you clarity, confidence and truth. I ask them to come through and help me to help you bust through whatever blocks are keeping you from living in a new paradigm of love, freedom and beauty as your reality. And here we are.So today’s lesson is pretty simple. Show up. Even when you aren’t feeling the inspiration or the flow, show up. Start doing whatever it is you do. All of you artists and creators who are reading this, you KNOW you have to show up even when you aren’t massively inspired, right? I’m right there with you when you’re not feeling it, you’re dragging your feet, and you are feeling blocked or fuzzy or not even sure what it is you like to do. It’s funny how we can so easily forget what it is that we love, isn’t it?This is why you have your stories, your maps, your dream visions and values all written out and waiting for you in these moments when you can’t remember which way you’re going. These stories are your compasses, your lighthouses, your maps, your keys into the new reality you are creating. If you can’t even remember what it is you love to do or are desiring to do, then read your stories and feel the essence of your values. Otherwise, if you KNOW what it is you are to do, that you love and want to do, just do it! Jump in and begin. Let go of the expectations and judgements and requirements and just let yourself freely explore and express whatever shows up for you in the moment. But you have to BEGIN to let it flow. You have to be willing to come to the drawing board, to the easel, to your instruments, or to whatever it is that you are creating.And then go outside and play. Rest, relax, take it easy and let yourself feel even a tiny moment of abundance of time, where you are allowed to take an extra breath and feel gratitude for the beauty of this earth and for your life. Every little moment of expanded allowingness and gratitude matters. It all adds up. It’s cumulative, so every time you just begin with whatever it is you’re getting into, you build and build and build that snowball of energy that is manifesting as your new reality. It all counts, even if this moment doesn’t look like your “best” moment. It all matters, and what matters is that you said YES to showing up and letting whatever comes through come through, no matter how you want to judge or label it. It’s that allowingness and williness to be there that is at the heart of this daily practice.XoxoNataliePS - Now that I’m writing this, I’m totally inspired and in the flow, and I’m even remembering a conversation I had with my dad last Sunday. He is a business mogul, and it can sometimes be daunting to talk with him because he knows so much. But last Sunday we had a fun, four-hour conversation about business. At the end of the four hours, I asked him what he thought it really took to be successful, and he told me, “Stay in the game.” Today’s daily practice is your version of staying in the game of creating this desire that is speaking to you from your heart, from your higher self, and from your inner knowing of what it is you came here to be and do. You gotta stay in the game to win it. ? ❤️ Now I must go because we’re still in Maryland, and we’re taking our grandma to get a pedicure! ❤️  Please feel free to email me with questions and stories!

I want to know what’s changing for YOU!