What to do about WORRY | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 11]

Have you ever been doing something and noticed yourself worrying about the outcome? What are you worried about? That the end result won’t be good enough, it’ll be terrible, you’ll lose a client, you’ll lose your reputation, you’ll die?!Worries are funny. On some level we think they are motivating. We think they’ll keep us on the path because if we stray or mess up, then THIS TERRIBLE THING WILL HAPPEN.They are dramatic stories we tell ourselves, and that’s all they are. Stories. Granted, every worry you have is possible, but is it realllllly going to happen? If you are a chronic worrier, than you may be VERY GOOD at manifesting your worries. Now, this doesn’t mean that you caused every terrible thing to happen in your life, but it DOES mean that if you’re willing to practice transmuting your worries, life will get a lot easier and will be way more fun. This isn’t even entirely mystical or magical. Quite simply, you make different choices in different states of being. Think about how it feels to make a choice from a place of fear or worry versus from a place of clarity, peace, joy, or delight. When you’re worrying you can only see the terrible outcomes. When you’re delighted, you can see the wonderful outcomes and the possibilities for success. Even making one choice from a place of delight instead of from worry can change the trajectory of your entire life. From that choice things snowball, bringing about an entirely different set of situations, opportunities and outcomes than if you had made that choice out of fear. What does worry feel like to you? To me it feels like a tightening and a resistance. I worry about the outcome of whatever I’m doing, and then I feel like I might as well not do it because it’s all going to turn out terribly. It feels restricting. It feels heavy. This is how I experience worry. How about you?If you can notice WHEN you are feeling these things associated with worry, then you can catch yourself and redirect your thoughts and feelings. Remember, what you put your awareness on is what you are creating.Here’s my favorite method for shifting out of worry and into a lighter state:

  1. Catch yourself worrying - notice that you’re in a state of doubt, worry or fear!
  2. Acknowledge and accept that you are worrying. It’s true, isn’t it, that you are in a state of worry? Accept that you are in a state of worry. It doesn’t mean to accept that whatever you’re worried about is true and will happen. You’re simply accepting the truth that you are in a state of worry. This brings relief and takes you out of resisting whatever it is you’re worried about.
  3. Ask yourself what it looks and feels like to experience the outcome you desire. I’d say this is the most magical part - when you shift from worry to delight! In this moment, what is it you desire, and how does it feel to ALREADY HAVE that desire? That outcome? You are now visualizing and creating a totally different set of possibilities in your life. This is why the first thing we did was write the dream vision story. When you are worried about whatever it is you are manifesting, do this exercise, and if possible read your story at this point. Allow yourself to really get into how good it feels to be living in this dream vision, and use your clearing techniques to clear blocks as they show up.
  4. Gratitude. Always gratitude. Gratitude that in this moment you reclaimed your power. Gratitude for whatever you’re truly grateful for.

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XoxoNataliePhoto by Marko Korosec/Solent News/REX