What does he have that you don't have? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 24]
Last night I got an interesting email where a woman in the challenge shared that her partner, who easily manifests his desires without using any deliberate process, is skeptical of the whole manifesting ordeal.I get it. My husband is a scientist, a rational, logical thinker, and he, too, has manifested so many amazing things in his life without any deliberate process.Most of us in the challenge, if not all, are women. I haven’t heard from any men, and I think this sort of thing tends to attract women more than men. Here’s one reason why.They are men, and in our society they are raised with the programming and beliefs that they are worthy and able and deserving and even entitled to what they want. They are TOLD by society that they deserve to be at the top and have the very best, and that this is what to expect in life. This alone will make it so much easier for men to receive whatever it is they desire. They have less blocks at every point in the manifesting process. They’re simply conditioned to ask for what they want, to believe they're deserving and worthy, to take action on it, and to willingly receive and accept it when it shows up because that’s just what life is "supposed to be" for them.Women (and any minority), however, are sent an ENTIRELY different message growing up, so we often have lots of reprogramming to do around our self worth and limiting beliefs. And before I get too deep into this, I want to mention that there are men who, for whatever reason, aren’t aligned with society’s main messages. If you’re a man reading this and feeling like you received the conditioning that women receive or like you never felt aligned with what society was telling you, know that there’s nothing wrong with you!The way we women were conditioned to think about ourselves and our worth gave us so many blocks around the whole manifesting process. We’re sent subtle signals from every direction that we’re here to serve men. We’re told our value comes from our looks and how much sex we can give men. I’m sure someone who is an expert in women’s studies can talk about this way more eloquently than I can, but the thing you need to see here is that, if you are a woman or a minority, you were sent a totally different message by society about your worth than what little boys were sent. I’m not blaming anyone, I’m not getting angry at anyone, I’m just saying, once you see this, you can choose to reprogram yourself and to embody what it is like for ALL people to be worthy and able of living their dreams and easily manifesting their true heart’s desires. We are busting the paradigm without taking away from men, simply by recognizing and acting on our newfound ability to ask for and receive what we truly desire. We can all receive our desires. Women receiving doesn't take away from men, and in the instance where a woman's desire does "take away" from a man, then the man's beliefs probably aren't honoring women as whole, free people who are worthy and deserving.I once noticed (at a very white, bourgeois event) the cockiness of young, teenage guys. They have a certain self-assurance and self-worth about them. I asked myself, "What would it look like for me to have that same self worth and self deservingness?" and it shifted my entire body. I stood up straighter, looked people in the eyes with dead sincerity and deservingness, and I started allowing myself to ask for and receive whatever the fuck I wanted. I embodied the vibes of having grown up being told by society that I’m a fucking winner just by being who I am.And it’s interesting to note that what I want isn’t necessarily what society wants me to want or what men want me to want. I think women often see a vision of life that is drastically different than what we were handed growing up. Women around the world are seeing a different world where we are living in beautiful relationship with the earth and each other. So what would it feel like to have grown up being told that we can create and receive that life just by being who we are? We’re fucking winners! Our dreams and desires are worthy as they are, unadulterated by needing to make them fit into society’s idea of what anyone or anything should be. We are fucking winners by default, and our desires are worthy as they are!So that’s today’s practice. What does it feel like for you to be a winner by default? To be deserving and totally able to ask for what you want, take action to get it, and wholeheartedly receive it?This might bring up some anger in you about how “unfair” society is or life is. I invite you to feel through your anger or hurt or blame or whatever shows up. Let yourself experience it, honor it, accept that you’re feeling that way, and then ask yourself if you really believe that it’s true that someone else is more worthy than you. Do you? Perhaps you have some blocks to clear around that.Is getting angry and wanting retaliation or demanding that someone else change going to give you what you want? No. You can give yourself whatever the fuck you want. And yes, I’m cussing because this is something that riles up the passion in me! I see so many people getting hung up on blaming others, on playing the victim, on wanting someone else to make it right. But the truth is, you have to make it right for yourself. And by doing so, you reveal that power to others who are awakening to this lesson. You reveal that the power is theirs now. The path might not be easy, but the power is theirs and it is available to tap into at any time. And when you learn this lesson, you are nobody’s bitch.I want to be very clear here. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to enforce civil rights or to make laws around protecting people who are being persecuted. We live in a world of drastic perversions and lack mentality, and there is so much fear everywhere. We need to protect those who are being unjustly targeted by hate and fear. However, the real, lasting change comes from individuals waking up to their power. To becoming the conscious creators of their lives, and to realizing how abundant and beautiful life can be if only humans are willing to step out of the victim-perpetrator-rescuer triangle. So, not to go on a huge rant about society, but this is real. This is what we’re living in, and it’s a big, tangled mess. The best thing you can do for yourself and for everyone, in my belief, is to become who you really are and learn to manifest aligned with your true heart’s desires. It’s like being on the airplane. In the event of an emergency, put on your breathing mask first, then you can help others all day long. Help others, but make sure you are doing the real work and shifting your entire life from the inside out. Step into your power. Step into your truth. Practice busting the lack mentality paradigm one small step at a time. There’s so much more than enough for everybody.XoxoNatalieImage by Sato Masahiro via Pinterest