Vienda Maria on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, Manifesting Through Journaling, and Rewriting Your Money Story [episode 81]
Vienda Maria is writer and mentor based in Kamloops, BC. Her unique mix of offerings meet at the crossroads of manifesting, intuitive living, radical self-trust, and creative business. In this conversation we get into:
- Why the first step to becoming an entrepreneur is having the willingness to look at your shadows
- How limiting beliefs hold you back and block your success
- Why getting clear with where you want your money to flow can improve your relationship with money
- Why moving through self doubt is healthy and opens up the space to live your purpose and create magnificence in your life
- How weaving intuition with structure is a valid way for making business decisions
- Why journaling is a potent method for connecting with what realities you are creating
- Why trust is a choice and a decision, and why you have to fully commit to proving yourself to it
- Finding stillness and rootedness while living in one place after over a decade of traveling
- Get the SECRET episode featuring Vienda Maria here
- Take Vienda's free 7-Day Manifesting Course at
- Explore Vienda's other free (and fun!) offerings at
- Take a look at Vienda’s newest online offering, The Heartful Biz here
- Connect with Vienda on Instagram @viendamaria
- Connect with Vienda on Facebook at
- Learn More about Marie Forleo’s BSchool here
- Check out the book Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny here
- Check out the book Worth It by Amanda Steinberg here
- Check out the book Ask and It Is Given by Abraham-Hicks here
- Check out the book Medical Medium by Anthony William here