Transmuting Jealousy into Creative Power | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 10]
Daily Practice: Day 10Jealousy can strike at any moment. It feels constricting. It feels like lack. And it often produces an aftertaste of guilt, shame and unworthiness.Today you’re going to learn how to transmute all of these yucky feelings into creative power!I believe that jealousy is a HUGE SIGN that something is important to you and that you’re not taking action (through direct action and through your manifesting skills) to create that in your life. Feeling jealous and then doing this simple practice is the first step to transforming that jealous energy into creative, empowered action.You don’t even need to be aware of what it is that you value or desire within that seed of jealousy for this practice to work. The magic is that, in asking this question, it will become clear to you. It might become clear instantly, maybe later while you’re journaling or day dreaming, or maybe after coming up against this jealous feeling a few times and asking this simple question.I came up with this one day while I was driving. I passed a beautiful home, and I wondered, out of the blue, "What it would look like for me to have a home that felt that rich and put together?"It took me a second to realize that, instead of getting sucked into the jealousy whirlpool of yucky feelings, I had subconsciously acknowledged that I really liked that home, that all the details weren’t exactly what I’d choose, and that IT’S POSSIBLE for me to have a home that feels that juicy.This was a first for me, and it felt realllllly good. And now my home EMBODIES whatever was awakened in that moment of jealousy when I saw that gorgeous home.
So the lesson of the day is:
When you notice yourself feeling jealous, acknowledge it and then ask yourself, “How would it feel (or look) to be, do or have that for myself?" or "What would that look like for me?"Then thank yourself. Thank the jealousy for bringing up this red flag that there's something that you desire and value that you’re not allowing yourself to be, do or have.Whatever sparked that feeling of jealousy (ie, the home I drove by in my experience) will not embody all the details of what having that desire will look like for you. That’s why we ask ourselves, what does that look like for me? Then we can feel that HAVINGNESS of the unmet desire that sparked the jealousy AND it will be completely custom and aligned with your true heart’s desires.Again, it might take a few times to get more clarity on what it is that you value or desire that sparked the jealousy, but it will show up if you keep asking!What is your experience with jealousy? Do you have a practice for transmuting the energy of jealousy?Image from Pinterest