The 1 thing you can easily do in any moment to shift your energy and invite new possibilities | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 16]
Every moment is full of choices. Choices for you to think, act and be a certain way. Choices for you to respond to what’s happening “out there” in the world. Choices for directions to take. Choices for people to connect with or not connect with. Every moment is pregnant with the possibilities for a myriad of outcomes, and it is your choices that invite in opportunities and situations in your life. At the root of each thought and each choice is a belief or a feeling. You can choose between abundance mentality or lack mentality. Between love or fear. Between being a victim or a powerful creator.Today’s practice is to see if you can identify where your choices are coming from. Are they coming from fear? Love? Abundance and possibility? Peace? You can tell where they’re coming from by tuning in to the way they make you feel. Fear and lack will feel constricting, whereas love and abundance will feel expanding. This is your intuition on a gut level - that gut instinct.In any moment, awaken to the power of awareness and choice. Become aware of what you’re thinking and ask yourself where that thought or feeling or choice is coming from. While you’re getting into your car, ask yourself, what am I choosing? While you’re sitting down to dinner ask yourself, what am I choosing? While you’re taking a bathroom break ask yourself, what am I choosing? If you don’t like what you’re choosing, change it.You can simply choose something different, or you can use your clearing techniques to clear all the reasons why you are making these undesirable choices. You can quite simply choose peace, for example, in a situation involving conflict. Bring peace, choose peace, feel peace, think peace. Be peace. You’ll make different choices from then on, choices that reflect peace.Or freedom. Choose the energy of freedom. Be freedom. In any moment notice your freedom to be, do or have what you desire. Practice seeing yourself AS free. Notice when you’re choosing anything other than freedom and change it. Ask yourself, “What would it take to choose freedom/peace/love/joy/abundance/happiness in this moment?"You can choose anything you like. You can choose to be happy and then instantly be happy. You can choose to be sad. You can choose to be rich or poor. You can choose whatever you like. What I’ve been helping you do is tune into your true heart’s desires and make choices to manifest those desires.You’ve already been living your entire life making choices in every moment. Choices to think, be, and do certain ways. If you don’t like what you’ve been choosing, change it. XoxoNatalieImage from Pinterest