Healer & Intuitive Amelia Vogler on Working With Nature Spirits and Teachings From a Pregnant Elephant [episode 62]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rossdevas, elementals, elephants, interview, rock, spirit animal, travel, water, wind
Liz Migliorelli (Sister Spinster) on Decolonizing Your Roots, Holy Waters, Sex Magic & Flower Spells [episode 53]
Feature, Interview, Manifestation, Nature Connection, Podcast, WitchNatalie Rossancestors, decolonization, essences, herbalism, herbs, interview, magic, plants, podcast, slider, water, witch
Standing Rock: Megan Toben on Being at the Camp, Prayer, and Moving Forward After the Easement was Denied [episode 42]
The Women Behind the Earth Sisters Gatherings on The Spirit of Water & Living in a Ceremonial Way [episode 39]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, Rewild, ShamanismNatalie Rossatom, elders, elements, healing, indigenous, interview, slider, spirit, water