Rashunda Tramble of Stay Woke Tarot on the False Relationship Between Productivity and Self-Worth [episode 131]

In this episode, we dive straight into conversation with Rashunda Tramble a.ka. Rash, the creator of Stay Woke Tarot. Rash is an African-American living in Zurich, Switzerland. She holds a BA in Film, an MA in Creative Media Practice, and is a member of Mensa. She has practiced Tarot for at least 20 years and has been a writer for even longer. Needless to say, Rash drops some knowledge for all of us to soak in.

In this conversation, we dip into:

  • The quiet days leading up to the Winter Solstice
  • The learned behavioral conditioning that self-worth is intertwined with productivity
  • Reframing the idea of self-worth
  • Stepping outside of systems of oppression
  • A tarot card pull for embracing our inherent self-worth
  • Rashunda’s perspective on self-care
  • How Rash was introduced to Tarot on the job as a journalist
  • Rashunda’s perspective on spirits and spirit guides, and how her experience has changed since her mother passed
  • How the perception of “being in tune with nature” can and should include bustling city streets and urban life
  • Rashunda’s non-linear process of witnessing her mother pass from cancer
  • Walking away from culturally ingrained habits that do not serve your path
  • Honoring family and historic culture while living abroad in Europe
  • Tarot cards for dealing with grief
  • How productivity is unconsciously rooted in the instinct to survive
  • Why tolerance is not always a necessity
  • Meditation as a tool to dismantle situations that we do not need to tolerate
  • Honoring your individual expression and defending yourself against stereotypes
  • The reality that not everyone has the privilege to leave their jobs and pursue esoteric arts

Well, this might sting... In this week’s secret episode, Rash and I get vulnerable talking about white privilege and how to challenge the unconscious exclusivity found within spiritual circles. Check out this week’s secret episode for a delicate exploration with Rash and me.
