Mystic Heh Heru of SAAMR on The Truth of African Contributions to Society & on Being a Modern Monk [episode 55]
Heh Heru is a modern-day mystic monk in the School of Ancient Alkebu-lanic Mystic Rites, Inc. (SAAMR). One of the main missions of SAAMR is, " fix the systemic issues that have caused much of the world to ignore, misidentify, or otherwise misattribute the achievements and contributions of the African civilizations both ancient and modern." In today's conversation with founder Heh Heru, we cover some common misconceptions, and he shares approaches for uncovering facts about the past. We also talk about:
- What's really in your food and body products
- The real names for the Sphinx and the pyramids and how they got renamed
- Why we have to address the facts of the past to move forward
- Astral traveling, gamma ray bursts, black holes and other cosmic mysteries
- Plato's Allegory of The Cave
- Whether or not colors truly exist
"We all say we seek the truth, but how often do we lie?"-Heh Heru
- Learn more about the School of the Ancient Alkebu-lanic Mystic Rites, Inc. (SAAMR)
- Connect with Heru on Instagram @Abbot.Kai
- Download the SECRET episode we recorded here
- Watch videos from SAAMR on Youtube
- Books mentioned in the episode:
- Civilization or Barbarism by Cheikh Anta Diop (Author), Yaa-Lengi Meema Ngemi (Translator)
- The Arab Invasion of Egypt by John H. Clarke Alfred J. Butler
- The Iceman Inheritance by Michael Bradley and John Henrik Clarke
- The Miseducation of the Negro by Carter Godwin Woodson
- The Panther and the Lash by Langston Hughes
- The Temple and Man by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
- The Journey of Man by Spencer Wells
- Darklight Consciousness by Edward Bruce Bynum Ph.D. ABPP
- The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
- Easy Journey to Other Planets by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada