Money Witch Jessie Susannah on Healing Your Finances [episode 120]
Jessie Susannah Karnatz A.K.A. @money.witch blends her practical and magical skill set to bring intuitive financial coaching to the masses. Her work is potent in helping to recognize emotional and spiritual blocks within our personal constructs around money. Jessie specializes in financial coaching for single adults, couples and small business owners to manifest success in all aspects of life.In this week’s episode, we explore:
- How Jessie developed her career as an intuitive financial coach
- Why people don’t manage their finances well
- How to create emotional and spiritual healing around money and finances
- Taking responsibility for personal and financial choices
- Empowering radical small businesses to become financially successful
- The concept of supernatural financial success and how it works
- Stepping into personal power, relearning to trust intuition
- Use of intuition and emotional intelligence to untangle an elusive web of financial affairs
- Empowerment through money magic rituals and altar space
- Coin collecting as ritual
- How giving back encourages emotional and energetic success
- Changing the negative connotation that exists around money
- Capitalism as a magic spell with powerful practitioners
- Disrupting the magic spell of capitalism
- Internalized systemic poverty that perpetuates a mindset around money being evil
- The realization that money is plentiful
- How to make money with integrity
- Shame around making too much money and losing community due to financial success
- Developing a culture of accountability around money
- More insight featured in this week’s secret episode with Jessie on practical approaches to dealing with your finances here.
- Check out Jessie’s website for intuitive financial coaching, classes, essences and more:
- Follow Jessie on Instagram:@money.witch
- View the Money Witch YouTube channel here