Liv Mokai Wheeler on Contact with Entities, Sharing Your Vulnerable Self, and Living in Kindness [episode 105]

We are so excited to welcome Liv back to the show! Liv Wheeler is an international ritual facilitator and Kontomble diviner, who is currently travelling, sharing her unique and beautiful medicine with the world. In this conversation, we dive into:

  • Why it’s important to remember that all of our original ancestors are here together
  • How we are all connected no matter where we come from
  • Why sharing your story is such a courageous act of vulnerability and healing
  • Why you must brave your own wilderness and explore your shadows
  • Why your medicine comes out in the most intense environments
  • Why showing accountability is a crucial key to community
  • How entities ride in on our insecurities, and how to expose them
  • Why we need more education and awareness around spiritual shadow and entities
  • What it is like to have contact with entities that don’t have your best interest in mind
  • Why it's so important to have support when you are working on and integrating big things
  • How spirits experience us as lightness or denseness
  • How entities are showing up to be healed
  • Finding inspiration in Balinese way of life and how to live in kindness
  • Why humans have a debt to pay for not honouring our pacts to nature
  • How do we respect and have a common language when we are so global
  • And an amazing share from the Kontomble
