Energy Cleansing With Falling Autumn Leaves

What is Samhain?

Samhain (Halloween) is an autumn festival when the leaves are falling and the world sinks into sleep. People say the veil is thin. We have not yet fully gone to sleep for the winter, yet we are slowing down and tuning in to the energies underlying all we do and are. Samhain is a special time for tuning in to your own energy and then evaluating that energy against how you perceive your desired state of being to look and feel. It’s a super good time for letting go of old attachments as the energy fades and sinks into the darkness of winter. Samhain lends an oomph to releasing old, stale and unaligned energies before the winter solstice.

Energy Cleansing With Falling Leaves

Connect your old energies to the leaves, allowing them to grow away and decompose, releasing energy back into the foundation of your creation and nourishment. Sit outside bundled up and quietly observe the sights, sounds and smells around you. A wind or breeze will come and knock some leaves from the trees in one great leaf-shower. Listen as they crinkle and vibrate on the wind. Let go of your old stuff - your hurts and disappointments and whatever energy is no longer serving you now - let it fall away with the leaves. Leave it all there on the ground in the leaves to be taken in by the earth and recycled anew to nourish next spring’s growth. Allow yourself to feel grateful and lighter as you release whatever needs to be let go. Thank the trees, the breeze, the leaves and the earth for this opportunity to align with nature’s energies and cycles.You don’t even need to know specifically what you’re letting go of. Simply being willing to trust that your spirit will release the junk is good enough. If you find yourself dwelling on a particular problem, try imagining throwing it to the breeze or on the ground with the leaves. Then let go and allow your full attention to be focused on the beauty surrounding you. Listen to the sounds, look at the colors and the shapes, tune in to the smells and sense the breezes on your skin. When you feel lighter, you have completed the meditation exercise.This exercise can be done anytime during autumn, not just on Samhain!


If you feel like you just can’t get lighter, intend that your junk continues to release as you move on with your day. You should notice a moment of lightness in the next day or so. If you practice clearing exercises, try clearing anywhere you’re not willing to let go of old stuff that no longer serves you. Clear anywhere you’re not willing to allow yourself to let go and get lighter. <3[optin-cat id="40"]