How to Say Hello To Trees & Start Relationships with Nature Spirits

Dear Reader,What follows is a conversation I had with my nature spirit guides the other day.My personal practice is to be in communion with nature spirits every day. I greet them in my morning invocations, acknowledging everyone from the Earth, air, fire, and water, to my personal nature spirit guides.I welcome your questions, dear reader, and I encourage you to connect with your own guides as well!Natalie: Dear Nature Spirit Guides,Though I consciously know not your names or faces or even specifically who you are in energetic templates or nature, I am grateful for you, and I love you.I want to better connect with you and work together to serve our collective purposes.I feel that nature and the spirits of nature hold so much knowledge and wisdom about who we humans are, as well as about CREATION - and the beautiful picture of the cosmic dances we’re all part of.I feel that you dear nature spirits help us humans to connect with our “more than human” selves - to the parts of us beyond manmade limitations and conditioning, to our inherent power, truths, and beauty as beings of spirit and nature.We humans are nature spirits, though much of our population has seemingly lost this awareness.So why does this awareness and our connection with nature spirits matter?Nature Spirits: Because there are other games to play besides the ones you may have grown up believing you had to do or be.You are free to choose differently, though that doesn’t necessarily mean you consciously KNOW how to do so.But your true being knows, and your true being is part of nature and those unseen realms we call spirit. We (nature spirits and humans) are not separate from nature and spirit, we ARE nature and spirit.This awareness alone is a key that unlocks the gates of mystery, where you are free to roam and explore worlds you’ve never known before.Natalie: So dear nature spirits, why would we care to play other games or unlock the gates of mystery?Nature Spirits: In these worlds you will see there’s so much more to be beyond the mind.Natalie: Why, dear ones, do YOU care about humans unlocking this awareness?Nature Spirits: Because you are part of the we, we’re all part of the mystery, and we love you in your truth.We are partners in this game, we miss you and we want to play again.Natalie: What games do you want to play?Nature Spirits: What games do YOU want to play…?Natalie: I asked you first.Nature Spirits: OK - Humans help us root our energies into the Earth, and Earth hurts right now. She needs our love, your love, our collective love. And so do we, all of we: you, us, we.We all could be so much more energetically. The potential is there.Humans need help remembering who to be outside of what conditioning and mass media said they were.We’re here to help. We’re here to guide and lead those who are truly ready to reside on a different plane of beings, one where spirit comes first, and Earth is acknowledged as a conscious, living being, and we are seen as collaborators and allies - not things of fantasy to be used and conquered for the human mind and ego’s desires, but for the true heart and soul of our awakened existence vibrating in love, truth, and beauty.Natalie: So beyond herbalism and magic for our ego’s needs - what does connecting and collaborating with you look like now, especially while we still have lives in the old paradigm?Nature Spirits: Get to know nature, even scientifically - remembering to include us in your travels, studies, and connections.Speak to us. It’s that easy.Say hello to trees, plants, flowers, Earth, ants, the wind, Sun, water, rain, soil, air, fire, even to the spirit of time.Begin like you would with any relationship. Talk with us, get to know us. Share your favorite things with us. Show us you are truly interested and ready to connect and care and be in communion with us.Offer us tokens of love: candy on your altars, nuts and honey in the forests and outdoors, incense for our pleasures and delight, start to court us.And if you are clear and pay attention, you will hear us speaking in return.Not always in your spoken tongue, but through the coincidences and happenings surrounding you day-to-day and maybe even through fantastical truths that expand your mind’s ability to perceive and believe.Take note of what you hear and see.Notice what you notice.Be willing to believe you are receiving communications from beyond, from unseen realms.And play! We love high vibrations of love and laughter. Life is play!Invite us to come play with you in art, music, on a walk, on an adventure.Invite those who come in a good way to come and play with you today!This shift is subtle but profound. And by being human you naturally ground our collaborative energies into the Earth, filling the gaps where there’s been a dearth of love and understanding, opening doors for all humanity.Natalie: So what is possible, what do you want me to do with this?Nature Spirits: Open this up for all to share in our delights! Make it fun and easy for people to make the connection and see what happens next.Natalie: Thank you dear ones!So Reader, tell me, how will you begin or continue your own relationship with your local nature spirits and guides?What questions do you have, that I may be able to help you with, about nature spirits?xoxoNatalie