How to connect with the spirit of your business (or project/art/idea) [episode 134]
So often, even us spiritually attuned folks can forget that spirit is in EVERYTHING. If you haven't been connecting with the spirit of your business, then perhaps it's time to tune in and not only ask for direct guidance from the spirit of your business, but also find out what it is asking for from you.
We are moving into a paradigm of greater connection and reciprocity.
And the way into living in this new paradigm is not through the mind, but through the heart and intuition.
In this episode we guide you on a quick journey to connect with and ask questions of the spirit of your business.
You might be surprised at the answers that come through!
And if you want to take this practice much much further, then I invite you to join me (Natalie) and Stephanie Benedetto Padovani in an 8-week online course called Flow where we'll guide you through strengthening your connection to your business's spirit and take grounded, tangible action on the guidance you receive. It is our aim to help you make your first sale, all aligned with the guidance you receive from tuning in on a deeper level and using strategies in service to spirit.
You can find out more about Flow and sign up (doors close Feb 12th 2019) here.