Erica Livingston & Laura Interlandi on Doulas as Gatekeepers, Normalizing Birth, and Finding Magic in the Mundane [Episode 93]
Erica Livingston & Laura Interlandi are two powerhouse doulas rocking the world of birth, babies, and beyond in Brooklyn.These women offer so much to help families feel held in this potent time, including: postpartum support, unique ceremonies, and classes. In this episode we get into:
- Why becoming a Mother is a creative threshold and portal, with birth being the opening, and postpartum being the closing
- Why taking a sacred pause and honouring the process of healing after birth is so important
- How the womb has the ability to only hold both your shadows and new life for so long, and how this plays out in the journey of pregnancy
- How doulas are gatekeepers, holding the space around you, making you feel protected and normalized
- Why motherhood is the sacred “chop wood, carry water” of the lower three chakras
- How the media only offers two extreme perceptions of birth, and doesn't offer an understanding of the full spectrum
- Why there is magic in the mundane, and why it’s okay to feel more than one emotion at the same time
- How we all need doulas to support each other through our big life moments, in every aspect of life
- Get the SECRET episode featuring Erica Livingston & Laura Interlandi here
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