Bloom Post on Invoking Ease and Grace, Supporting Your Soul Work, and Deepening Your Gifts as an Empath [episode 83]

Bloom Post is a shamanic practitioner who works with plant spirit medicine and ceremony, supporting people in aligning with their soul path. In this episode we talk about:

  • How invoking grace and ease can change your vibration in a powerful way
  • What it means to live your life as ceremony
  • Why seeking out support in your soul work is so important
  • How consistency in your daily practice is key to creating deep shifts in your life
  • Why the whole world is currently experiencing PTSD
  • Why being an empath can be a gateway to opening up your beautiful spiritual gifts, if you let go of victimhood
  • How using plant spirits as totems can empower and assist us on our path
  • What the difference is between totems and allies
