Ayana Young on Creative Stewardship, Grieving With the Earth, and Running Towards Your Passion [Episode 90]
Ayana Young is a lover and protector of wild nature who teaches about empowered earth stewardship, leads biodiversity enhancement workshops, and facilitates panels across North America. In this episode we talk about:
- Why it is so necessary right now to allow yourself to feel this intensely heartbreaking time, as someone who loves the earth
- Why you are biologically born a steward of the earth, and what that truly means
- How living on the land is a much more powerful learning experience than any textbook has to offer
- Learning to find respect, kindness, creativity, and flexibility with land restoration
- Renewal ecology vs restoration
- Why being honest with yourself and grieving leads to empathy for the earth and teaches true reciprocity
- Why you have to solidify your love for the earth with outward action
- Why self care is such an important piece of activism and caring for the earth
- What it means to be pro community health and what creative vision can look like
- How stepping into your passion is courageous and essential to living a fulfilled life
- Get the SECRET episode featuring Ayana Young here
- Support the KICKSTARTER (until 12/31/17) at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1284964860/1-million-redwoods-project?ref=creator_nav
- Connect with Ayana on Instagram @for.the.wild
- Check out Ayana’s amazing projects and more on her website: http://forthewild.world/
- Listen to Ayana’s For The Wild Podcast here: http://forthewild.world/listen/
- Connect with Ayana on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forthewild.world/
- Make a donation to For The Wild here: http://forthewild.world/donate/
- Connect with Ayana with any questions be email: engage@forthewild.world