Autumn Rose on Grieving Multiple Miscarriages, Connecting with Ancestors, and Healing the Womb with Plant Spirit Medicines [episode 87]

Autumn Rose is a writer, healer, and Rainbow Mama. She shares about her womb healing journey in Costa Rica, and what it takes to keep the dream of Mamahood alive after four miscarriages. In this conversation we get into:

  • The power and process of grieving through multiple miscarriages
  • Healing the personal and collective womb through ceremony
  • How plant spirit medicines can assist you in healing, and connect you with your ancestors, spirit guides, and helpers
  • Why the jungles of Costa Rica are such a potent place for healing
  • The slow journey of integration after Ayahuasca ceremony
  • Learning to lean into support and find deeper sources of strength in darker times
  • How opening and healing your heart leads the way to healing your womb
