Are you giving yourself this gift everyday? | 30-Day Challenge: Daily Practice [Day 29]
“I welcome the beauty that is coming to me today."“I am so grateful for what is coming to me today."“I am so grateful for the beauty of the day."Do you wake up and say these phrases until you really feel it? Until you feel that expansive, beautiful flowing ease that comes with gratitude? Until your body relaxes and you take a deep breath of relief and release?We began this challenge with gratitude, and we’ll end this challenge with gratitude.Gratitude makes your world flow with ease. Gratitude is the magic power that lets you shift into a place of possibility. Gratitude opens doors. Gratitude heals. Gratitude is the elixir that brings you beauty in your daily life.And it’s free! You can practice gratitude in any moment, in any situation. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, no matter how crappy your situation gets. And gratitude will keep you pointed in the direction of your dreams.Do not fear that by being grateful amongst the muck that you are fooling yourself into being ok with the muck. That’s not what gratitude is about. Gratitude is the tool that lifts you up out of the muck and moves you to a higher plane, to a place above the muck where you can get clear and welcome the possibilities that are beckoning to you to move in the direction of your true purpose, your dreams, and the beauty that life has in store for you.As you move forward with all these manifesting tools, keep this one with you at all times. Remember how I’ve told you again and again that it’s the feeling that is guiding you to your dreams? Well, gratitude gets you closer to that feeling than anything else. Gratitude is the your magic superpower that will guide you through life’s toughest situations. It will help you start every single day on a lighter plane of being, where anything is possible. It will supercharge your creativity. It will relax your insides and help you to heal your body, mind and spirit. Gratitude really is it.If you need to, carry a list of 10 things you are grateful for, so you can instantly BE grateful without having to struggle to find something to be grateful for. Take a picture of this list with your phone and make it your background or your lock screen. Make it easy to remind yourself to be grateful. Do whatever it takes, but make sure you do it! Throughout this challenge I have been so grateful for you. Grateful that you are brave enough to go for your dreams, to face your fears, to risk failure and to risk success. I am grateful that you’re willing to learn how to let yourself shine with grace and ease, to BE who you are and to let that be enough because it is. It is enough that you can be you and that is what you came to do.You don’t need to make yourself fit into anyone else’s box of what you should be or need to be or whatever. You are you, and the journey to learning how to BE you, clear and true, is your golden gift to yourself. This is what is at the heart of manifesting. Yes, it makes life so much easier when you know how to use these tools, when you’ve cleared your blocks and are willing to receive anything and everything you dream of with open arms. Yes, you will receive many amazing things and opportunities and enter into many amazing relationships and partnerships and collaborations when you continue to manifest your dreams. But at the heart of it is learning how to be the youest of you. And that is beautiful. And to you I am grateful. XoxoxoNataliePS - Last July, while I was lazily basking in my hammock, the nature spirits I like to call “Sunlight Sparkles on Water” spoke to me and asked me to make a healing meditation video to give to the world. Well, I’m finally getting around to it, and I intend to send this in tomorrow’s daily practice. One thing I’ve learned during this challenge is that I want to tie the manifesting process into the natural cycles and processes of the earth and nature. So… I will begin with this beautiful healing meditation from my friends, Sunlight Sparkles on Water. ? Image via Pinterest