Tapping In: EFT Somatics for Resilience

Utilizing principles and practices of EFT and Somatic Experiencing™, we will balance the body and nervous system by inviting grounding, presence, observation, and gentle movement into our lives. We will use curiosity as the guiding principle to bring awareness to sensations within the physical, mental and emotional bodies, as we explore ways to honor discomfort and tension, while still being able to access peace and ease.

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Demystifying the Akasha: For Healing & Guidance

The Akasha is subtle energy rooted in the vibrations of love that can help with discovering the truth of your soul’s journey.
Learn how to tune into the Akasha for assistance, healing, and inspiration in all aspects of your life, and receive actionable steps to incorporate this guidance into your daily routine.

Tapping into the Akasha is like having a team of life coaches supporting you throughout your journey!

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Radical Authenticity: Decoding Your Human Design

Human Design is a systematic approach to the psyche, with the purpose of deepening human understanding, which supports you to come home to your wholeness and embrace who you truly are. Not what society or external influences tell you to be. Join us and align with your innate energy and begin to understand your patterns, through the system of Human Design. Instead of pushing through the resistance, hitting blocks along the way, you can open up to greater acceptance, magnetism, and flow.

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Creative Alchemy: Activate Your Vision

Join us and release the constraints of linear thinking, as well as any limiting ideas, concepts or emotions that are living in your body, so you can freely access the boundless power of your creativity. You will walk away from this workshop with a deeper feeling of security in your inner vision, as well as the ability to channel the intuitive flow of your infinite power towards your creative expressions and projects.

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