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— instant access Virtual Workshop —

Open your 3rd eye in this intro to clairvoyance workshop.
You’ll learn how to communicate directly with plant spirits via your psychic senses.

If you’ve ever wanted to peer into the world of nature spirits, then this is for you!

Psychic Herbalism engages a spiritual connection with plants and fungi to gather one's own information about the medicine and wisdom held therein. This workshop provides tools for healing oneself while connecting with plants and invites play and ease through the process.


And in case you didn’t know, workshops are included at no extra cost in our Collective membership.


What We’ll Cover

  • A clear method for connecting spiritually with any plant or fungi

  • How to release energy that doesn’t belong in your body

  • How to heal the body with plant spirit medicine (no ingestion needed)

  • How to overcome doubt in your psychic abilities and intuition

  • Basics of clairvoyance, which is psychic seeing - you can do it!

  • How to receive answers in present time from engaging psychically with the natural world

  • How plant spirits help us remember ourselves as spirits in an Earth body

“Emily not only taught me how to connect with plants and fungi in a new way, but also taught me how to strengthen and tune my psychic and intuitive abilities. She provided me with the tools to ‘tap in’ to the natural outer world as well as my inner world and explore the beautiful bounty that Mother Nature has provided for our healing and growth.”




We are offering sliding scale payment options. If you are in a position to where you can pay it forward, then we kindly ask you to choose the $66 option. If you are in a position to where financial support is needed, please sign up using the $44 option.

This is a pre-recorded workshop.

You will absolutely reap the benefits of what is taught.
If you’d like to take it with a friend after you’ve purchased it, that is ok.

We want you to have fun!

“This class entered at the perfect time for me, catapulting me further into my gifts, therefore on the path of my own truth. You will leave this class with a connectedness to all the realms around you and know how to navigate your way through safely. I highly suggest this class to all my friends, and any person who is hearing even the slightest call.” 

- Angela D.

“Emily’s Psychic Herbalism class quickly and subtly changed the ways I perceive and interact with the world around me as a spirit in human form. With her gentle guidance, I learned the tools of clairvoyance and how to use them in communication with plants. As a result, my connections to the natural world and my body are clearer than ever. I can’t recommend this highly enough, especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive person. What a gift!” 

- Joey B.

“Psychic Herbalism is both a grounding and cosmic experience. Emily shares resonant practices that awaken the body’s natural healing wisdom. Learning to harness subtle energies and the imagination has had a harmonizing effect on my sensitivity in relationships. Experiencing the vibrational signatures of plants has deepened my excitement about exploring the Earth’s flora.” 

- Amanda C.

“This class opened a new door for me when working with herbs. It introduced new skills and brought me more awareness to my surroundings and each of the tools we learned has helped me significantly in controlling and releasing energy.” 

- Evalen C.

"Your Psychic Herbalism classes have taught me some foundational keys to living life as a psychic and empath. Ones I will use my entire life!” 

- Stacie P.

This workshop will break it down for you in simple steps that will have you engaging in direct clairvoyant communication and healing with the plant and fungal worlds.

About the Instructor:

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Emily is a clairvoyant healer, herbalist and teacher. Spirit to spirit communication is the foundation of her work on this planet, and she engages within others the ability to see and speak as spirit. Her teachings are the woven fabric of her work as a clairvoyant and as an herbalist.

Listen To Emily’s Interview on the Earth Speak Podcast:

Psychic Herbalist Emily Patrice Hamilton on Connecting Spirit to Spirit with Plants

Psychic herbalism provides tools for healing oneself while connecting with plants and invites play and ease through the process.

Imagine connecting directly with your favorite flower or tree and receiving tangible, clear guidance and inspiration that can help you make more aligned decisions in your everyday life. It may sound far fetched, but truly anyone can do this.

The question is, are you willing to try and experience this for yourself?