Voice Diviner for 'Kontomble' and Ancestors, Liv Wheeler, on Facing Your Biggest Fears & Being Dissed in the National Media [episode 23]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosscontroversy, drama, finding your voice, interview, kontomble, love, nature spirits, podcast, slider, voice
Shaman Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen on Elders, Sacred Partnerships and Feeding the Hungry Ghost Within [episode 14]
Feature, Interview, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosselders, family, grandmother, healing, hungry ghost, interview, partnerships, relationships, shaman, slider
Shamanic Practitioner Miriam Lieberman on Healing, Ceremony and Love [episode 6]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosshealing, interview, podcast, shaman, shamanism, slider, therapy, trauma