Soniko Waira on What it Means to be a Seed Carrier & How We Are All Indigenous [episode 33]
Feature, How To, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rosshealing, heart map, indigenous, interview, music, podcast, purpose, slider, soniko
Shaman Bloom Post on How The Answers Are in the Plants, Using Essences for Transformation & More! [episode 30]
Feature, Interview, Manifestation, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rossessences, healing, interview, mental illness, plant essences, plants, shaman, shamanism, slider, western medicine
Vicky Salcido-Cobbe of Grandmother's Medicine on Community Supported Herbalism & Off-Grid Living [episode 29]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rossactivism, activist, california, health, herbalism, herbalist, interview, medicine, off-grid, podcast, slider
Amelia Vogler on Healing Migraines, Being Inspired by a Funeral Home, and Leaving Corporate America to do Energy Healing [episode 28]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rossanimal spirits, corporate, energy, energy body, healer, healing, health, interview, intuitive, migraine, podcast, slider
Virginia Rosenberg on Addressing Systemic Racism and Oppression in Spiritual Communities [episode 27]
Feature, How To, Interview, PodcastNatalie Rossarticle, freedom, healing, interview, oppression, racism, shootings, slider, trauma, violence, viral, wounds
Gaian Tarot Deck Creator, Joanna Colbert, on Eldership and Being an Artist in Today's World [episode 26]
Divination, Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, TarotNatalie Rosscircle, divination, gaia, gaian, healing, interview, mother earth, nature, podcast, slider, tarot
Pagan author and artist, Lupa, on transforming the disconnect between humans and nature [episode 25]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, RewildNatalie Rossanimals, artist, author, bones, connection, fungi, interview, land, nature, pagan, plants, slider, spirit of the land, spirituality, tarot, totems
Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen with a healing ceremony for women and water: And to HER we shall return [episode 24]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rossceremony, elder, feminine, healing, interview, podcast, shaman, slider, women
Voice Diviner for 'Kontomble' and Ancestors, Liv Wheeler, on Facing Your Biggest Fears & Being Dissed in the National Media [episode 23]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosscontroversy, drama, finding your voice, interview, kontomble, love, nature spirits, podcast, slider, voice
Noelani Love on Mantras, Speaking Your Truth, and Life as a Mermaid in Hawaii [episode 22]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rosshawaii, interview, jewelry, love, mantra, mermaid, noelani, podcast, slider
Vocalist Kaitlin June on Finding Your Voice, Channeling Songs, and Clearing Shame Around Singing [episode 19]
Exercise, Feature, How To, Interview, Manifestation, PodcastNatalie Rossart, arts, channeling, dance, healing, interview, music, podcast, singing, slider, songs, sound, therapy, voice
Herbalist Amber Magnolia Hill on Grieving Openly and the Spiritual Power of Studying Your Ancestry [episode 15]
Feature, Interview, PodcastNatalie Rossbirth, body oiling, death, grief, herbal, herbalist, herbs, interview, podcast, psychedelics, slider
Shaman Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen on Elders, Sacred Partnerships and Feeding the Hungry Ghost Within [episode 14]
Feature, Interview, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosselders, family, grandmother, healing, hungry ghost, interview, partnerships, relationships, shaman, slider
Crystal Healer Beth Ann Kennedy on Past Lives, Sensing Spirits, and How Humans Mirror Nature [episode 12]
Tarot Reader and Store Owner Bakara Wintner on BIG Transformation, Sacred Space, and Living with Magic Every Day [episode 11]
Feature, Interview, Manifestation, Podcast, TarotNatalie Rosscrystals, durham, interview, magic, podcast, sacred space, slider, tarot
Creative Alchemist Marielle Hare on the Healing Powers of Beauty and Play [episode 10]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rossbeauty, creativity, healing, interview, play, podcast, slider
Tonya Sink on Reawakening Suppressed Intuition, Grounding, and Healing with Crystals [episode 9]
Mushroom Whisperer Tradd Cotter on How Partnering with Fungi Can Help Solve the World's Problems [episode 8]
Urban Farmer Maurice Small on the Connection Between Food, Going Outside and Intuitive Awareness [episode 7]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, PodcastNatalie Rossalternative, earthworm, farming, food, food desert, food systems, health, interview, podcast, slider, southeast raleigh, systems, urban
Shamanic Practitioner Miriam Lieberman on Healing, Ceremony and Love [episode 6]
Feature, Interview, Nature Connection, Podcast, ShamanismNatalie Rosshealing, interview, podcast, shaman, shamanism, slider, therapy, trauma