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In the Collective we are all responsible for the way we’re holding and creating space.

In order to provide a welcoming, safe space for all members, we’ve outlined some guidelines to follow.

To report guideline violations or make suggestions please contact us


 This is a non-judgemental space - and that includes judging yourself.

We welcome the full spectrum of you here.


1. This is an inclusive and anti-racist space that is intended to be safe for all people. Any behavior that violates this will not be tolerated.

2. What happens in the Collective stays in the Collective. Feel free to share your own thoughts and experiences publicly, but keep other people's shares confidential.

3. We have no agenda for you, and we ask that you have no agenda for anyone else. We’re not here to fix or be fixed. We’re here to be witnessed in presence.

4. Ask consent before providing advice, or reflect on what someone else has shared in a live call,

5. Trust yourself - if we’re doing an activity or you’re being guided in a meditation and something doesn’t feel right for you, trust that.

6. Make no assumptions. If something is not clear, ask for clarity.

7. Please only promote your business or invite people into professional sessions with you in the “Share Your Biz-Art-Services” forum space.


The Earth Speak Collective has A LOT of content and events.

The point isn’t to “catch up” or do it all, as there’s too much here to EVER completely take advantage of.

The Collective is all about helping you create space to listen deeply to your inner self, your inner truths, the earth, and spirit while being witnessed and supported by like-hearted people who get you.

If you show up, you will receive the medicine, inspiration, witnessing, or support you need at that moment.

If you want to see expanded guidelines, click here.
