How To Embody & Express Who You Truly Are Without Being Judged, Rejected, Punished, or Abandoned For It…
Especially If You Believe Magic Is Real, Nature Is Conscious, And Humans Are Meant To Be Stewards In Loving Relationship With The Earth
...or even if you’re already expressing yourself, but still feel lonely!
Dear Spiritual Seeker,
Finding other people who are into Earth-based spirituality, intuition, creative expression, and magical practices without dogma can be challenging.
This path can be lonely and isolating, with no one to talk to about all the things you’re into and no community to hold you through the ups and downs of the experiences you’re having.
Putting yourself out there and showing your true colors can be so scary because you might lose your friends and family.
You might be judged, ridiculed, harmed, or even killed. People might think you’re crazy or “too much” and stop taking you seriously.
Yet sharing who you truly are is necessary for feeling that sense of connection, validation, and belonging that every human being needs.
You might find yourself scrolling on social media hoping to find connection and inspiration, but leaving feeling drained and like you aren’t “enough”.
As a lonely spiritual seeker you might struggle to be consistent and motivated in your practices, unsure of whether what you’re doing is safe or effective.
You might not be confident in trusting your intuition, always wondering if you’re just making it up.
Anxiety, fear, and doubts might keep you from going deeper into your practices, from letting your true power come forward, and from letting yourself be more of who you truly are without feeling like you need to defend or justify yourself.
You’re not alone in your struggles, especially in your self-doubt, fear of being seen, and difficulty consistently showing up for yourself while balancing all the things.
Every human has a deep need to be seen, heard, validated, understood, and belong, and yet today’s world feels like winning and dominating are more important than connection
It’s not your fault you feel like this.
Modern society has fragmented us. It has dissolved the village into nuclear families, and it has told us for thousands of years that people who practice Earth-based spirituality are evil and will be punished (often put to death).
It makes sense if you feel alone and scared to show your true colors because generations upon generations of your ancestors likely suffered for it.
And yet the magic is still alive, in you, and it’s safe for it to emerge now.
Maybe you’ve tried to share who you truly are before and got spooked by all the scary things that could happen.
Maybe you’ve been willing to express these hidden parts of yourself, but you didn’t even know how to connect with them and bring them out into the world.
Or maybe you’ve even felt like there’s no way out, like there’s no place for people like you in the modern world, so why bother?
We’ve been there, too.