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How To Embody & Express Who You Truly Are Without Being Judged, Rejected, Punished, or Abandoned For It…

Especially If You Believe Magic Is Real, Nature Is Conscious, And Humans Are Meant To Be Stewards In Loving Relationship With The Earth
...or even if you’re already expressing yourself, but still feel lonely!

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

Finding other people who are into Earth-based spirituality, intuition, creative expression, and magical practices without dogma can be challenging.

This path can be lonely and isolating, with no one to talk to about all the things you’re into and no community to hold you through the ups and downs of the experiences you’re having.

Putting yourself out there and showing your true colors can be so scary because you might lose your friends and family.

You might be judged, ridiculed, harmed, or even killed. People might think you’re crazy or “too much” and stop taking you seriously.

Yet sharing who you truly are is necessary for feeling that sense of connection, validation, and belonging that every human being needs.

You might find yourself scrolling on social media hoping to find connection and inspiration, but leaving feeling drained and like you aren’t “enough”. 

As a lonely spiritual seeker you might struggle to be consistent and motivated in your practices, unsure of whether what you’re doing is safe or effective. 

You might not be confident in trusting your intuition, always wondering if you’re just making it up.

Anxiety, fear, and doubts might keep you from going deeper into your practices, from letting your true power come forward, and from letting yourself be more of who you truly are without feeling like you need to defend or justify yourself.

You’re not alone in your struggles, especially in your self-doubt, fear of being seen, and difficulty consistently showing up for yourself while balancing all the things.

Every human has a deep need to be seen, heard, validated, understood, and belong, and yet today’s world feels like winning and dominating are more important than connection

It’s not your fault you feel like this.

Modern society has fragmented us. It has dissolved the village into nuclear families, and it has told us for thousands of years that people who practice Earth-based spirituality are evil and will be punished (often put to death).

It makes sense if you feel alone and scared to show your true colors because generations upon generations of your ancestors likely suffered for it.

And yet the magic is still alive, in you, and it’s safe for it to emerge now.

  • Maybe you’ve tried to share who you truly are before and got spooked by all the scary things that could happen.

  • Maybe you’ve been willing to express these hidden parts of yourself, but you didn’t even know how to connect with them and bring them out into the world.

  • Or maybe you’ve even felt like there’s no way out, like there’s no place for people like you in the modern world, so why bother?

We’ve been there, too.



We’re Natalie Ross and Shawna Cason, and we’re here to share that it IS possible for you to embody and express your deepest inner truths, to embrace your innate power, and to be who you truly are in the world without being shunned by everyone you know or exiled to a faraway land of loneliness.

We’ve both walked the path of the lone wolf, wondering how to answer the call within while still doing all the things we have to do in our day-to-day lives like paying bills, taking care of family, etc.

We both felt so alone in the world, and we had no one to talk to about our experiences or to make magic and do ritual with.

That’s why we created the Earth Speak Collective…

…a member only safe space and sacred container for you to connect with like-minded people on a weekly basis for renewal, connection, and belonging, so you can bring forward those deeper parts of you that are calling to be expressed.




The Earth Speak Collective

A Community of Earth-Based Spirituality for Renewal, Connection, and Belonging

The Collective helps artists, witches, and everyday intuitive folks go from feeling alone and blocked in their magic to feeling confident, inspired, seen, and validated

In the Collective you will:

  • Belong to a community of like-hearted people who get you
    Have kindred spirits to connect with and stop feeling lonely on your spiritual path

  • Feel safe to be seen, heard, and validated
    As you express your true self in a non-judgmental, supportive container

  • Grow confident in trusting yourself and your intuition
    Perfect for people who want to be more centered, present, and at ease

  • Sense a more steady presence from your spirit guides and helpers
    Helping you integrate spirituality into everyday life, no matter your job or roles

  • Awaken new layers of consciousness, self-awareness, and self-acceptance
    Learn how to better listen to yourself and what’s truly aligned for you

  • Be more organized and consistent in your spiritual practice
    Perfect for people who want to learn and grow within themselves

  • Find your creative voice and open to flow
    Without worrying about what other people will think or whether you’re “good enough”

  • Have healthy social events you look forward to
    When you connect with friends old and new in our meetups, Reset calls, and workshops

  • Feel like less of an oddball
    When others share things you think about but don't hear anyone around you saying

  • Re-enchant your life with magic
    When you play with the co-creative forces of yourself, nature, and spirit


“This has been one of the most empowering parts of my healing journey. It was simple, effective, and reminded me of the tools that I always have access to.”

- Maria in Florida


What’s Inside The Earth Speak Collective

Weekly Live Energetic Reset Calls ($125 value)
Witness, reflect, share, and connect in a safe space where the coming together of community creates an expanded field of energy that supercharges your own personal practices and magic. Plus weave yourself into the web of community, even if you can’t make it live, by listening to and receiving the energy of the call recordings.

Monthly Live Workshops ($1500 value)
All Collective members get free access to our live workshops with your favorite diverse instructors on magical and Earth-connected topics like psychic herbalism, talismanic embroidery, reading the Akashic Records, and more!

Member Run Meetups ($100 value)
To discuss, share, learn, and explore your favorite topics like conscious parenting, Creativity Club, BIPOC magic, Psychic Club, and transformative dance.

A Members Only Social Network Not on FB ($150 value)
Share stories, pictures, decipher dreams, ask questions, support others, and keep the connections growing in between our weekly ritual Collective calls.

Initiation Circle ($45 value)
An intimate call for new members of the Collective, where they’ll be introduced to our Earth Speak guided journey process, meet other members, take a tour of the Member Portal and explore all the features the membership has to offer.

Sacred Connections (priceless)
Make magical friends in our monthly 1:1 pairings with other members.

Soul Insights Journal Prompt Worksheets ($40 value)
Dive deeper into your inner knowings and reveal great insights while contemplating the journal prompts that come with each call recording.

Monthly Community Rituals ($75 value)
With a sacred fire, altar tender, offerings to spirit, live music, and member-led segments. Find release, clarity, and healing in our ritual container.

Access to Energetic Reset Call Recordings ($300 value)
Learn about and put to practice teachings on many different topics from making offerings to energy clearing to ancestral healing to designing your own rituals to connecting directly with nature spirits, elements, and plants.

Library of Workshops ($900 value)
Deepen your practices, learn, and grow with our library of past workshops you can dive into on your own time and pace. Topics include things like reading the Akashic Records, psychic herbalism, talismanic embroidery, magical wreath making, intro to somatic therapy, ancestral dreamwork, and more!

Access to Secret Episodes ($60 value)
Discover illuminating conversations about growing a business as a spiritual entrepreneur, hear vulnerable stories of healing from deep trauma, and get tips on practical magic from your favorite podcast guests. This is where the really weird stuff comes out that guests don’t want to share on the public podcast!

Meditations and Resources for Working with Intuition and Spirit ($115 value)
Explore grounding, clearing, and things like psychopomp (helping stuck spirits cross over).

Committees to Help Steer and Grow the Collective ($100 value)
Members have a voice in how we grow the Collective, what features we create. Attend committees like Inclusivity Committee, Town Hall, and Ritual Planning.

A Gorgeous Portal for Accessing Everything the Collective Offers ($25 value)
Find easy access to everything the Collective offers in a gorgeous, high-vibe online Portal.

Total Value: $3410

Membership is only $44/month


* 100% Secure & Safe Payments *

 Earth Speak Collective Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the amazing resources, tools, and experiences in the Earth Speak Collective, you can cancel anytime.


“Being part of such an authentic community creates a tremendous sense of confidence and support. To witness others in their vulnerability is really powerful for me.”

— Jamie in Florida


Frequently Asked Questions

Are workshops included in the membership?

Yes!!! This is part of what makes the Collective an outrageous deal! Live workshops that are being sold to the public are included in your membership. So, whether a workshop costs $44 or $99, you pay no extra price to join. We have on average 2 workshops per month.

Is this only open to women?

Nope! This is open to anyone who feels truly called to join the Collective. We have men, women, and gender fluid members.

I’m new to intuition, will this work for me?

Yes! There are folks in here from all “levels” of experience with their intuition and spiritual practices, from total newbies to seasoned experts. That’s part of what makes it such a special place, as we are all able to learn from and share with each other in unique ways.

Is everything available immediately?

When you become a member, you have instant access to the workshop library, meetup replays, secret episodes and the Collective Call recording archive on topics like connecting with ancestors, making offerings, grief, manifesting, and more. You will also have access to any live workshops and events happening while you’re a member.

Do I need to use a special program to access the materials?

Nope. You can access everything through your phone or computer.

How long can I keep it for?

You have access to the materials for as long as you are a paying member.

Can I share this with a friend?

In order to create a safe space, the Collective is strictly for paying members. If you feel like a friend would enjoy what we offer, let them know how much it has helped you and send them the link to join! We also occasionally allow our Collective members to invite a friend to a live workshop for free, as workshops are open to the public.

What if it’s not what I expect?

You can cancel anytime.

Can this be accessed without the Internet?

Certain things in the Collective are downloadable, so you can listen to them on the go, whether or not you have internet access. However, the live calls require either an internet connection or a data plan on your phone to connect.

I hold space for other people professionally - will this feel like more work for me?

No! There are many space holders, such as therapists, coaches, and circle keepers, who are members in the Collective because it’s a place where they can come and be supported.

How much time is required?

No time is required, but if you want to participate in our weekly calls or listen to the recordings, they’re generally about 1.5-2 hours long. Monthly workshops are on different days than our calls, and they are generally 2-3 hours long. Many people listen to and receive the energy of the Collective Call recordings just like they would listen to a podcast. You don’t need to be 100% focused on the call recording itself to reap the benefits.

What if I can’t make it to the live calls?

No problem! Many members live outside of a time zone where it’s feasible to join live, or they are busy during the time of our live calls. However, they listen to the recordings and have reported that even the recordings are super supportive and help them immensely. Also, there is a private forum (not on Facebook) for members only, where we are sharing and deciphering our dreams, posting our questions, helping others, and staying connected in between calls.

How long are the live weekly Energetic Reset calls?

Generally about 1.5 to 2 hours long, but they feel like they fly by so fast.

Is this group therapy?

While there are many benefits that are similar to therapy, this is not therapy. Please see a trained therapist for support with any severe psychological symptoms.

Do I have to talk or show my video on the live calls?

You don’t have to, but pretty much everyone does at some point or another. You’ll see, we’re a friendly group creating a welcoming, safe space for you to express yourself, be seen, heard, witnessed, and appreciated. But you do you, and if you want to just be present without speaking, that’s ok!

Do you offer scholarships?

Due to the extremely low price relative to the value, we do not offer scholarships at this time.

Have a question that's not answered here?

Send us an email with your question to


“I now have many new practices that I love, and hearing the experiences of others in the group is really helpful and inspirational.”

- Teira in portland

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Earth Speak Collective

  • Weekly live Energetic Reset Calls ($125 value)

  • Monthly live workshops ($1500 value)

  • Member-run meetups ($100 value)

  • A members only social network not on FB ($150 value)

  • Initiation Circle ($45 value)

  • Sacred Connections: Make A Magical Friend (priceless)

  • Soul Insights Journal Prompt Worksheets ($40 value)

  • Monthly community rituals ($75 value)

  • Access to Energetic Reset Call recordings ($300 value)

  • Library of Workshops, Courses, and Resources ($900 value)

  • Access to Secret Episodes ($60 value)

  • Meditations and resources for working with intuition and spirit ($115 value)

  • Committees to help steer and grow the Collective ($100 value)

  • A gorgeous Portal for accessing everything the Collective offers ($25 value)

Total Value: $3410

Membership is only $44/month


* 100% Secure & Safe Payments *

Are you ready to express your true self, activate your Earth magic, and be part of a community that gets you?

Creating space within and having a safe community space to go where you can feel seen, heard, and supported by people who get you can make the difference between you embodying your truth, finding your voice, and living your purpose versus always staying hidden and wondering what could have been possible for you.

Earth magic is real, creating space within and out is the key to activating it, and the time is now to bring forward a new society rooted in connection with a living Earth rather than being dominated by society’s extraction machine mentality.

The changes you want to see in the world begin with you and are amplified when you create space within and out to elevate your consciousness.

And the best part is, you don’t have to do it alone.

When you join the Earth Speak Collective, you not only get practical, tangible guidance on how to be your own best connection to your intuition, but you also become part of a community of people who are into what you’re into and who are walking this journey, too. 

Your success is inevitable when you decide to take the leap and discover what’s in store for you through listening to the whispers of your intuition and the earth.

We can’t wait to cheer you on as you open to all the magic that’s in store for you!

Are you ready?

Natalie & Shawna


“Even though I haven't participated much in the calls, I feel supported and (strangely) seen and heard as so many of the issues that the other members bring up apply to my life.”

- nell in oregon


Earth Speak Collective

  • Weekly live Energetic Reset Calls ($125 value)

  • Monthly live workshops ($1500 value)

  • Member-run meetups ($100 value)

  • A members only social network not on FB ($150 value)

  • Initiation Circle ($45 value)

  • Sacred Connections: Make A Magical Friend (priceless)

  • Soul Insights Journal Prompt Worksheets ($40 value)

  • Monthly community rituals ($75 value)

  • Access to Energetic Reset Call recordings ($300 value)

  • Library of Workshops, Courses, and Resources ($900 value)

  • Access to Secret Episodes ($60 value)

  • Meditations and resources for working with intuition and spirit ($115 value)

  • Committees to help steer and grow the Collective ($100 value)

  • A gorgeous Portal for accessing everything the Collective offers ($25 value)

Total Value: $3410

Membership is only $44/month


* 100% Secure & Safe Payments *

It was very helpful for me to see people working through their shit on a visible level. You created a space that felt safe and allowed people to get vulnerable.
— Rachel B. in California


“I feel way more grounded and more optimistic in my ability to overcome “negative” things that may pop up.”

— Katrina in California



“It feels like church in the best possible way, which for me is a sense of like-minded community and belonging.”

- Lindy in Iowa


I’ve learned so many beautiful tools that I will utilize for the rest of my life.
— - Eunice in California


“Life since joining the Collective is more awesome! I feel empowered, and am having so much fun connecting with nature spirits!”

- Shell in Australia



“I loved getting to know the other participants & how their lives are unfolding with greater intuition.”

- Kim in New Hampshire


I wasn’t sure what to expect because, while I am open, I tend to stay slightly skeptical or removed. what I received was much more practical and direct than I expected.
— Jezzalie


“I’ve gained the capacity to ground and clear very quickly and to notice when I need it.”

- Andrea in Montréal



“Results have also included powerful experiences with Source, mediated through the different techniques taught in the calls.”

- Gay witch in Pennsylvania



“Since joining I’ve received connection & a safe place to talk and share about things I’ve never had the space for before.”

- Vidya in California