We invite you to join us in a three-hour heart-tending cacao ceremony, led by experienced ceremonialist Naomi Love, who shares a decade-long deep, reverent relationship with cacao as both a spirit and plant medicine.
You can learn about Naomi’s experience of having studied extensively with Mayan healers in Central America here.
Workshop Playlists
We thought you might enjoy this secret episode from when the Cacao Ceremony workshop teacher, Naomi Love, was a guest on the Earth Speak podcast.
Can I participate by using a different blend of Cacao?
Answer: No. It is important that everyone in attendance uses the same blend in order to ensure a cohesive ritual container.
2. I can’t make it on time, can I still participate?
Answer: No. We will not be admitting anyone in after the start time. This is a Sacred Ritual container that must be respected. If you’d like to participate but can’t make it live, then you are welcome to do so by watching the replay.

Important Information:
The Cacao needed for the ceremony is not included within the workshop purchase.
You MUST order this separately in a timely manner, so as to receive it in time for the live ceremony.
It is required that you order the exact Cacao blend linked below:
Tantric Rose BlendWe recommend purchasing the 8oz pack
Use the code ROSE5 for a special discount on your purchase from Firefly
What to Bring
Tantric Rose Cacao Blend
Pen & Paper
Wireless Ear Buds or Speaker
There will be a dance party so wear something comfortable

Meet Your Guide
Podcast Episode:
Naomi Love is internationally known as the Creatress of Wise Womb Medicine Path, a sacred global community, and Resonance & The Womb Mystery School. With over thirty years of experience working with tens of thousands of clients, Naomi has developed a somatic-oriented holistic system of healing that is called Wise Womb Medicine. Offering training for both novice and master, she shares these sacred living teachings with you, for you to apply into your own life and into your healing work.
Naomi is a Ceremonialist and Master Healer, channel for the Wise Womb Oracle & the Wisdom Council. Naomi is also the visionary behind the Wise Womb Way which is a movement that is aligned with cultural appreciation, and the decolonization of the patriarchal ways and teaches an embodied way through the illusion of separation. If you would like to explore the full breadth that is Wise Womb Medicine Path head over to her IG @wisewomboracle and visit her website at www.wisewombmedicinepath.com
A Letter From Naomi Love
On her journey and training with Cacao and Ceremony
As a young woman I was initiated into Earth-centered ceremony with masters from around the world.
Many of my teachers had children who didn’t want to learn the medicine ways and asked if they could share these ways with me. It has been my greatest honor to hold these teachings and transmissions deep in my heart. I share them with honor, appreciation, and reverence.
In my twenties I began working with Maya Healers in Central America who shared the goddess Ixchel with me.
Ixchel is a Maya goddess that takes three forms: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Ixchel and I have had a deep love affair for many years as she has guided me to follow my heart, to trust my inner Oracle and to be confident in my dharma.
I’ve been blessed to apprentice with Maya Shamans, Wisdom Keepers and Herbal Medicine Women and over the years, I’ve trained extensively in a variety of Earth-centered ceremonies.
Two styles of ceremony I want to share with you today are the Ixchel Healing Ceremony and Primicia.
In each of these ceremonies, the intention is amplified by bringing in the supportive medicine of Cacao.
A gruel is made with corn, honey and cacao for the Primicia. An elixir with Cacao allspice and cayenne was blended for the Ixchel Healing Ceremonies. Each had a unique formula to meet the intention of the ceremony.
Over many years I attended hundreds of these ceremonies, witnessing miraculous healings and experiences for hundreds of people.
After working with the Goddess Ixchel for many years, I was invited to become an Initiated Priestess to hold ceremonies on her behalf. This meant, also, I was to work with her consort Ek Chuah, the patron God of Cacao.
After years of living my life immersed in Earth's wisdom, I have honed the skills of listening to nature and the unseen realms. So much so that now the elements, the plants, animals, nature itself communicates with me directly.
To honor this, the spirit of cacao has come to me and spoken a powerful request in which I cannot ignore. They have asked that I share with the world how to be in Right Relationship with ceremonial space-holding and its own unique medicine.
Cacao ceremonies have become very popular, and with that, we have lost how to be in Right Relationship with the medicine.
Starting in September, I am offering a Cacao Facilitator Initiation a three month apprenticeship with Cacao, Naomi Love and the Wise Womb Oracle.
Join me for a Free introduction to working with the spirit of this sacred medicine happening August 7th, 2022. Visit the link below to sign up!! It would be my honor to share this medicine with you.
With respect, honor, and reverence,
Naomi Love
My life changed significantly after working with Naomi Love. She is the most connected person I have ever met and the realist. She's honest and listens to your body and words carefully to hear what you need. I've learned so much about myself, become so much more healed and connected in my body and yoni and womb, and found a practice that fits my spiritual needs. I've never been so completely taken care of- mind, body, and spirit.
- E. Lischwe