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— Virtual Workshop: Instant access —

The body speaks not in words, but in vibrations, sensations, "symptoms", and movements. In this online workshop taught by Holistic Therapist Luis Mojica we will explore how to speak and listen to the body through somatic therapy, a powerful way to release stored trauma & stress.

You will leave with a greater connection to, understanding of, and love for your body.

What we’ll cover:

  • How the mind affects the body

  • What your behaviors & food habits mean about your needs

  • Why you do the things you don't "want" to do: habits, addictions, toxic relationships

  • Where physical or mental pain is coming from

  • How to feel for others without losing yourself in the process

  • A way to communicate with your body for self-regulation and healing


When you sign up, you’ll have instant access to the workshop.

And in case you didn’t know, workshops are included in our Collective membership.


We are offering sliding scale payment options. If you are in a position to where you can pay it forward, then we kindly ask you to choose the $66 option. If you are in a position to where financial support is needed, please sign up using the $44 option.



“I would really recommend it.

I was unsure because it's online, but it was such a safe and loving space.

I felt a shift to relaxation in my body.

It was almost like my body had been trying to get my attention, and now that I've begun to give those spaces my attention, it's been able to let go of some of that frantic energy.

- Allison C.



“My ‘AHA’ moment was when Luis talked about the Trauma response being formed as children and how it played out in our interactions as adults.

I was able to identify my trauma pattern and where I hold it in my body. I left with a strategy on how to work through it and highly recommend this workshop.”

- Vanessa M.



“This was a super-powerful, information-dense workshop.

Every sentence was full and loaded with "ahas", and all this information was carried and wrapped in love.

I experienced the session as an amazing art of making "being traumatized" nothing to be ashamed of (very liberating!), AND evoking a natural, playful drive to work on it (very empowering).

Take the workshop!

- Ale K.


About The Instructor:

Luis Mojica is a Holistic Therapist specializing in healing trauma through communicating with your body. He blends somatic therapy, counseling, and nutritional/herbal therapies to create a trifecta of healing that is deep & effective. His unique form of therapy came as a result of his own journey in healing his complex PTSD & multiple chronic diseases and auto-immune conditions.


Listen to Luis’ interview on the Earth Speak podcast here:
